chapter thirty-one

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"We are only as strong as our weakest links. When we remove these links, this is what's left." Sensei Kreese motioned to his new and improved set of students, a small smile on his face. "We are one unit. With one united purpose." Sensei Kreese stopped talking, all the students turning to see who was entering the dojo.

Hawk's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching as he watched Tory walk into the dojo. The girl was dressed in her gi which confused Hawk, there was no way that Sensei Kreese would let her back into the dojo. Would he?

"Nichols. Welcome back." He would.


"Hold on, Sensei." Sensei Kreese turned to look at Hawk who stared between the two in surprise. "Tory is the reason, Iris is in the hospital. You can't just let her rejoin the dojo."

"I can and I will. Is that a problem?" Sensei Kreese walked towards the boy, but he didn't shrink back.

"Yes." Hawk glared at the older man, not understanding what his angle was. "I thought you said that her actions wouldn't go unanswered?"

"They won't, but you're not the one to answer them are you?" Hawk glared up at the man, understanding that Sensei Kreese wants Iris to fight her own battles.

"I want to be." Hawk turned his glare to Tory, making sure she knew he did not like her. Not in the slightest.

"But you won't. That is Iris' fight, not yours." Sensei Kreese took one more step closer to the boy, leaning down slightly to whisper to him. "Don't ever question me again."

"Yes, Sensei." Hawk's response came out in a growl as he glared up at the man, wanting to show his Sensei he wasn't scared of him.

"Nichols, fall in. We've got a lot of work to do." Hawk looked over his shoulder, glaring at the girl as she stepped into place. The group of students began their warm up, Hawk not taking his eyes off the wall in front of him as Sensei Kreese spoke.

"Your whole life, you've been told to be good. But good is only a matter of perspective. Always remember your enemies think that they're doing what's right. They think they're the hero and you're the villain. But now you know the truth. There is no good. There is no bad. Only weak...or strong. And now that we've shed our weakness, it's time to show our strength. If you do that, I promise will be unstoppable."


"So, Ms. Montague you're officially free to leave." Iris smiled widely as her doctor signed her out, happy that she could finally sleep in her own bed. "Once a week you should come back and talk with Dr. Ruth, other than that you're free to go." Her doctor smiled before leaving the room so the girl could collect all of her belongings.

Before Iris did any packing she ran to Miguel's room, having to tell him about her new found freedom. She ran towards his room with a big smile on her face, sliding to a stop in front of the boy's door.

"Miguel! I'm officially free-" Iris' smile dropped from her face as she met the eyes of a boy that was not Miguel. "Oh, I didn't know you had company."

"Hey, Iris." Iris sent a fake smile towards Eli, looking over to Miguel who smiled sadly at the girl. "Um, could I talk to you?" Iris looked up at him before returning her gaze back to Miguel, the boy nodding his head towards the boy.

"Talk to him." Iris rolled her eyes as Miguel mouthed the words to her, not wanting Eli to hear.

"Yeah, sure." Iris sighed, crossing her arms over her chest before walking back towards her room, Eli following close behind. The two walked into her room quietly, Iris sitting on the edge of her bed, Eli sitting in a chair across from the bed.

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