chapter seventeen

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It was officially summer in the Valley, and summer in the Valley meant one thing. 


Iris was at the beach with Hawk, Demetri and Moon, the four of them playing beach volleyball. Iris watched as Demetri attempted to serve and when the ball hit the net she straightened up. She had on a solid black triangle bikini top and jean shorts. 

"Mulligan, send it back." Iris rolled her eyes, but kicked the ball towards him anyway.

"There's no mulligans in volleyball."

"Says you." Demetri scoffed over to Hawk who only rolled his eyes. "Water break." 

"Are we ever going to play an actual game?" Hawk walked over to Iris and threw his arm around her shoulder. 

"With Demetri? No." Iris laughed at Hawk's comment on Demetri's playing ability as two girls stopped in front of said boy. 

"Cobra Kai? You guys won that karate tournament, right?" Thinking they were talking to Iris and Hawk the two turned, only to see they were directing their attention to Demetri who held Iris' towel in his hands. 

"The All Valley? The Rumble in Reseda? Yes, uh. We, uh...we certainly did." Iris watched with raised eyebrows as Demetri leaned against the Volleyball net pole, trying to look cooler than he was. 

"Cool. We're gonna go for a swim, but maybe play with you later?"

"Pfft...mos def." Iris dropped her head into her hands as Demetri gave her second hand embarrassment. "Uh, that means 'most definitely'." The two girls giggled before walking away. 

"Look at you, player." Moon laughed as she walked closer to Demetri, moving to the side so she could pick up her own towel.

"It'd be nice if you actually earned the Cobra Kai cred you're so happy to take. When are you ever gonna sign up?" Hawk walked with Iris still under his arm as he began to question their friend. 

"I don't know. I'm kind of enjoying the gain without the pain." Iris giggled before reaching over and snatching her towel out of Demetri's hands. 

"Hawk. Iris." 

"Hey, there's the man." Iris turned around to see Hawk greeting Miguel with a handshake. The girl dropped her towel and made her way over to the two, giving Miguel a quick hug when she reached them. "No. No more of this. Look, it's a beautiful day out. The beach is packed with babes. No more sulking about Sam." 

"I have to agree with Eli on this one. You cannot spend your summer sulking over a girl."

"I'm not sulking about Sam." Miguel looked at his two best friends, who stared back at him now in confusion. "It's about Sensei." 

"Is this about his rap sheet? My parents read it online. I think it makes him more badass." Iris held back a laugh at the fact that Hawk's parents looked Sensei Lawrence up online. 

"It's about him and Robby Keene." Iris smile quickly dropped at the name that left Miguel's lips. 

"What about him and Robby Keene?" Iris was watching Miguel closely, trying to see if he was fucking with them when he told them about finding a picture of Robby when he was a kid on Sensei Lawrence's fridge. 


Iris' back was up against Hawk's bedroom wall, her hands slowly trailed down Hawk's chest. His lips danced on hers as he craved her touch more and more. He ran his hands against her exposed stomach, her skin burning wherever his hands went.

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