chapter thirty-two

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It was Monday, and Iris' first day back to school. She felt uncomfortable as she walked through the halls, not remembering her way around. All her teachers in her morning classes have remembered about her accident so they didn't give her a hard time, but she couldn't say anything about the other's. 

It was lunch time and to say Iris was freaking the fuck out would be an understatement. 

Who was she supposed to sit with? She remembers two people, one of them she apparently doesn't talk to anymore. She can't remember why but she doesn't. So, that leaves one person. Hawk, or Eli. 

Iris couldn't figure out which name she was supposed to use on the boy, both of them feeling still very new to her. 

Taking a very deep breath the girl prepared herself before pushing open the cafeteria doors, all eyes falling on her as she walked in. She felt her cheeks heat up as she looked around the room, not recognizing anyone. She felt her breathing quicken, her chest feeling like it was caving in on itself as she turned around and ran out of the cafeteria. 

Hawk saw the girl walk in, immediately going to walk over to the girl before she ran back out of the room. Hawk looked around the cafeteria, seeing everyone was eyeing the girl. 

"Hey, mind your fucking business!" Hawk yelled out to everyone in the lunchroom, the room falling silent for a moment before the students began to talk amongst themselves again. 

He rolled his eyes as he walked out of the room, walking down the hall to try and find Iris. 

The girl sat on the floor, her chin wresting on her knees when Hawk walked past her. She instantly perked up when she saw the familiar red hair. 

"Eli!" Hawk was quick to turn around, just then noticing the girl sitting on the floor. He smiled over at her as she quickly stood up. He watched in surprise as the girl ran towards his, throwing her arms around his waist. 

He quickly hugged the girl back, happy that he was finally able to have her in his arms again. He hugged her tightly, not wanting to let her go. He leaned down, his chin on the girl's head as she buried her head into his chest. 

"They were all staring at me. I don't think I can go back in there." Iris pulled away from the boy, looking up at him. He smiled down at the girl, reaching out to push a hair out of her face.

"Don't worry about them. I got you." Hawk turned his head, grabbing the girl's hand as they walked back towards the cafeteria. The two walked in and this time no one looked, too afraid that the red haired boy would do something if they did. 

They walked over to the Cobra Kai table, Iris slowly sitting down in a chair as she looked at all the boys. Each of them smiled softly at the girl, unsure if she remembered them or not. 

"Hey, Iris." Iris turned her head to look at a boy with short brown hair. "You probably don't remember me, but I'm Doug." The boy held a hand out to the girl, a small smile on his face. She smiled back and took his hand in hers, shaking it softly. 

"I'm Mitch, but everyone calls me Assface." Iris' eyes widened at the boy's nickname, it not being as dignified as Eli's. 

"I think I'm gonna call you Mitch." Mitch smiled over to the girl, looking down at his food in silence. Iris didn't remember that her and Mitch weren't exactly friends before her accident, the two actually hating each other at one point. But it was all different now, and Mitch couldn't help but feel happy about that. 

Iris looked over to Hawk, seeing him bouncing a soccer ball on his feet. A redhaired boy walked over to them, his phone out as he recorded Hawk. 

"Hey, 22 in a row. New record." Hawk smiled into the camera before his attention was taken by the sound of Demetri's voice. Iris noticed the boy's change in attitude, slowly standing up to see who Hawk was looking at. 

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