threats make everything better

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with the class preparing to go on with koro-sensei's insane plan to hijack the international space station, mako couldn't be more impressed and in awe of her classmates.

they were so much different than they had been when she'd first gotten here. they'd matured, truly, and now saw the world through a realistic but still optimistic view point. they were willing to do whatever they could in order to save an innocent life along with the rest of the world, instead of resorting to killing.

they had grown so far, in her eyes. it truly was amazing to her, who had seen and met so many people that were never able to grow as people or gain a real outlook of life. it was inspiring.

"ok, we have a plan. time to put that plan into action. first off, the rocket only holds two people... who's going?" isogai calls out from the front of the room, raising his hand to show that those willing to go should do the same.

half the class actually ended up doing so, it honestly just being a majority of the boys. mako wasn't included in that half, though.

if izaya found out—and he always does—that she had gone to space, then that would be the end of heiwajima mako. if izaya didn't kill her first, he'd tell shizuo, who would then personally beat her into her grave.

yeah, mako wasn't going to take any chances on that one.

"oh, wonderful. boys will be boys," rio states from her spot, earning a snicker from her fellow blonde in the back. the two share an amused look, but then turn back to the octopus at the head of the room.

"this is an experimental vessel, with is yet no successful flights. who's going now?!"

the guys who had raised their arms, aside from itona, brought them down at those words, bringing a smirk to mako's lips, and another snicker escapes her.

"i want to go anyway. i love technology. the whole idea makes my mouth water. it's just- it's clear to me who should go," the white haired boy says, lowering his hand, but then he looks to each person as he gives their names.

"nagisa... karma."

"what? look, i'm not that fond of taking big risks, especially with my life on the line. why don't you send terasaka-kun and a dummy instead. they're both expendable," karma protests casually, followed by said dumbass shouting, "ASSHOLE!!!"

mako slaps karma upside the head, earning a harsh cough and grunt of pain from the redhead. he glares at the girl, who just glares right back but faces away once more. okuda happened to catch the little scene, a light, amused smile on her lips at the two before she turned back to the front.

kataoka agrees with itona, saying, "karma-kun the fighter in case there's a scuffle, and nagisa-kun the assassin just to be safe. that seems like a pretty ideal hijacking team to me."

isogai smiles once more. "great. everyone save up some money so we can cover the costs."

"don't even think of skipping out on this, man, you nearly killed each other trying to get us all on the same page! be responsible for once in your life and take charge!" terasaka berates the redhead, who only turns to rest his head on his chin. the mercury eyed boy sends a playful wink to his girlfriend, who rolls her eyes at him, but the boy gives his attention to nagisa when he speaks up.

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