in sickness and in health

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mako had been part of the group making the hydrologic cage around their teacher. smirking, she watches as the ones below them shoot around their target to keep him trapped, listening to the boats speeding off behind them. chiba and hayami were in the water with their snipers, prepared for shooting the final shots to end their lives as assassins.

but it was never that easy.

koro-sensei literally fucking exploded right in their fucking faces.

what a jerk.

the huge explosion from their target had knocked everyone and everything back.

mako floats in her spot, wondering if they actually did it. what emerges from
the water, though, was their target in some weird ass sphere thingy.

"what the fuck, man."

"allow me to introduce my trump card of trump cards! my absolute defense form!" he smugly exclaims, ignoring the vulgar comment and laughing victoriously, and they all deadpan at him.

ignoring his explanation, mako swims over and grabs the sphere he was pretty much trapped inside, frowning harshly the entire time. she paddles to the dock, getting up and handing the thing off to karma to do his own damage. she watches him taunt the thing, eyebrows furrowed the entire time.

karasuma takes it from the redhead, leaving said redhead to walk over to her with a smirk.

"awe, is heiwajima upset?" he taunts, smirking, but his smirk fades after a few seconds, feeling the same as everyone else. sighing, the boy hooks his arm around her shoulders and steers them away with the rest of their upset classmates, who all were heading back to the resort.

"i'm tired, dude..." she grumbles, the boy looking at her blankly.

"wanna sleep?"


"then don't."

growling at him, she tries to walk off, but he firmly keeps her under his arm, not letting her walk off. they continue their trek to the tables in silence, neither knowing what to say at the moment. at the tables, karma makes her sit in the seat next to his, both of them quiet as they lean against each other. the boy fiddles with the straw from his drink in his mouth, and mako plays with the straw from her untouched drink. you never know what someone could have put in your drink, especially at a place like this.

'at least he's not being annoying...' she thinks, glancing at the redhead only to see him watching her out of the corner of his eyes. once their eyes meet, the boy quickly glances back to his original direction, acting as if he hadn't been staring at her, and mako scoffs lowly. he was such an ass.

nagisa was sat across from the pair, but when nakamura walks over, her face red and sweaty, mako immediately gets up and catches the girl just as she almost hits the ground.

"rio. rio. rio, get up! get the fuck up! are you ok?!" she shouts, worry evident at the sight of her friend.

the blonde says some things to nagisa about being tired and having just wanted to go to her room. the blue haired boy was right at her side, and mako frowns worriedly.

"rio, don't close your eyes. don't close your eyes, dammit! fucking stay awake!" she shakes the shorter girl, desperately trying to keep her from going to sleep and possibly never waking up. she hears some of the others coughing, whimpering, and more, but all she can focus on is the girl in her grasp. a desperate, worried look fills her eyes as she sees how visibly weak her friend is.

she can't focus on anything or anyone other than rio.

not nagisa, not kayano, not karma trying to stop her from yelling.

"hey, hey, heiwa... heiwajima... i'm ok, i'm good, no need to yell..." her weak friend tries to calm her down, but mako just shakes her head.

"no, no, no, you're not ok. you're not ok, you're not good, don't try to fucking tell me otherwise, rio! you're sick, you're possibly dying! i can't lose you, i can't lose someone else! don't go to sleep, please! i can't lose another friend..." she pleads, voice falling to a whisper as hot, angry tears pool in dark eyes.

the blonde girl looks up at her in surprise, but she only smiles weakly. "hey, hey, i'm gonna be alright. i'm not gonna die, heiwajima. you won't lose me or... or anyone else, o-ok...?"

sighing, mako nods, picking up the girl once seeing the others helping bring the sick and weary students over and onto makeshift beds, trying to keep them cool and hydrated as best they can. once hearing that someone was behind this, mako moves to stand by one of the others, but not before sending a worried look to her friend.

"we need to find whoever did this, and fast. i'm going to fucking hurt them so much for doing this to these guys. give me a computer from here, i'll see what shit i can do."

karasuma gives her a suspicious look. "can you hack? if ritsu can't find out anything about them, how do you expect you'll be able to?"

"ritsu and i working together should be able to do what we need. i've been hacking a long time, and she's an embodiment of the internet, so our combined efforts should get some shit done."

"no need, heiwajima-chan," the octopus disregards her offer, telling them all to get ready to go. grumbling, the girl goes over to nakamura and kneels down with a glare on her face.

"if you die, i'm bringing you back to life and killing you myself." the blue eyed girl only chuckles, telling her to hurry up and go.


mako looks up at the cliff along with the rest of their healthy classmates, minus okuda and takebayashi, who decided to stay behind and treat the currently sick ones.

ritsu gives them all a breakdown of the hotel landscape and all of the security measures, telling them that the best way for them to get up to the hotel was to climb the side of the cliff.

groaning, the girl ignores the teacher and gets ready to do shit that would definitely get her ass beaten if her brother found out.

'and he's not fuckin gonna if i have anything to do with that'

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