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"yes, sumire, i'm free next week. rinka and toka are joining us, right?"

it had been seven years since koro-sensei died at the hands of his beloved students.

"right! are you sure we won't be seeing you at the old building, tomorrow? most of us are going, and it would be much more fun if you could join us!"

heiwajima mako had quickly risen up in the underground world. she was infamous, having many connections, and everyone who was anyone wanted information from her.

izaya couldn't be prouder, always flaunting to her eldest brother about how he had taught her well; which always ended up with a fight, and the two men would get kicked out of mako's place.

kasuka and ruri eloped a year previous, mako and the judge being the only witnesses to it. when the couple had told shizuo, he'd been somewhat offended that he hadn't been invited to witness it, but he wasn't particularly upset. he was just glad that his little brother was happy; kururi and mairu were pretty upset when they heard the news, though.

smiling softly, mako responds to her friend, "i'm sorry, but i have a busy schedule tomorrow. see you next week."

"see you!"

letting out a sigh, mako runs her fingers through her dark hair. she had taken to really only dying the bottom half of her hair since high school ended, sort of like this one anime character she liked, so her natural hair was shown more this way. it didn't damage her hair as much, anyways, since she wasn't dying the roots or the entirety of her hair.

the twenty-two year old looks at the time, seeing it was almost time for her last client of the day to come in. they were meeting at a cafe in shibuya, as izaya had settled everything with the client before handing them over to his former apprentice.

the man hadn't told her much about the client, other than they requested absolute secrecy when it came to their own information. mako, not really caring but trusting her former mentor/best friend, just went along with it.

seeing the set time arrive, mako lets out another sigh and moves to get up and pay. if the client wasn't going to be on time, they weren't worth hers.

"leaving me already, little peace?"

'that voice,' she thinks, freezing in her movements and looking to find the source. it was a voice she hadn't heard in person in so long, and she didn't know what to feel when her eyes landed on the young man.

they had both grown taller in the years since junior high; mako was as tall as kasuka, having sprung up in her final year of high school. but the man staring at her with that all too familiar smirk was the same height as shizuo, now, having definitely experienced a growth spurt over these last seven years.

"karma," she greets, smiling lightly at him as he moves to take the seat across from her.

the redhead does a mock bow of the head, still smirking, and the woman rolls her eyes at his antics.

"i see you haven't changed much."

"mako, we've stayed in contact this entire time," he deadpans, and she scowls at him. "i meant in person. we literally haven't seen each other since you first went off to university, so don't give me that shit."

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