visitiors galore!

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with the school festival coming up, i was actually pretty excited for it. i wasn't paying much to the worries about asano and the main campus assholes, instead thinking about how shizuo said he might come and check us out for the festival.

with shinra on bed rest due to recently being beaten to a pulp by kasuka's girlfriend's stalker, him and celty likely weren't going to come. mikado, masaomi, and anri were all working through some shit at the moment, so that sucks.

which basically left shizuo, tom, vorona if she decided to come, and possibly izaya. though he's an idiot, so i doubt he'll come.

koro-sensei says something about us using the ingredients from the mountain to make a successful festival thing, and i smile.

'an assassination restaurant definitely sounds fun'


"good to see you again, маленький паук." her head turns at the familiar voice, a smile forming on her lips as she looks at the man. "glad to see you're alright after you got hit by that reaper guy. he didn't get you too bad, i assume?"

lovro just chuckles. "if he did, i wouldn't be standing here. how is izaya?"

"insane as always."

they both laugh before he walks off to go eat, and she cackled once seeing karma put something in the food for grip. the blond assassin wheezes in pain at the wasabi.

mako was humming softly as she continued cooking, but her tranquil atmosphere was broken by shouting going on outside. groaning, she looks out the window and her eyes nearly bug out when seeing a sight she really had not expected.

irina was standing way too close to a man in a bartender getup, who was now holding one of the tables above his head while shouting at her to get the hell away from him. there was a man with dreads at his side, trying to calm the taller man down, but it wasn't working much.

sighing, mako hops out the window and jogs over to the commotion, pushing irina out of the way and waving karasuma, who had walked over, off.

turning to the man with dyed blond hair, a grin breaks out on her face.

"what're you doing here?"

he sets down the table upon seeing his sister, a smile forming on his face.

"came to see what you were up to. you're helping with the cooking, so it must be good."

not even a second passes and she's launched herself into his embrace, giggling while circling her arms around him and he hugs her back. tom chuckles to the side, accepting the hug when mako gestures one for him as well. the trio turn back to the others, and she quickly brings the two men over to a table, sitting them down and grinning.

"pick anything and i'll get it for you guys!"

off to the side, everyone watches with wide eyes as mako comfortably talks with the two men. whispers of the taller being her brother had been exchanged, but no one knew who the darker skinned man was.

"so, how's kyohei doing? have saburo or walker found the guy, yet?" she asks, a concerned look falling on her face, and shizuo sighs. "no, they haven't, but i'll get a call or something when they do. you know your friends are staring at us, right?"

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