a rude awakening is just what you get from those petty taunts

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the next day, i grit my teeth as i trudged up this goddamn mountain again.

i really fucking hate this school.

shizuo ordered me last night to give him daily updates after school, so we'd been on the phone for a couple hours, which led to me procrastinating even more on my homework, and barely getting any sleep while i tried to do it.

i may have decent grades, but i'm honestly a dumbass. i'm still surprised knugigaoka even let me into this school.

i ignored the grave looks on the faces of my classmates as i walked in the room, staring at the stabbed octopus on the podium for a couple seconds before walking to my seat. the period head was already there, smirking as i approached, but he just kept his eyes on the door. he was waiting for the octopus to come in.

now, he's smart. i'll give him that.

"good morning boys and girls," he said casually as he entered the room, not yet noticing the dull atmosphere.

"why the long faces? has something-."

he saw the octopus. heh.

"oops, that's on me."

i ignored the boy, but couldn't help but listen to his pathetic taunts. if he really thinks that the octopus is just going to continue to put up with his tricks and attitude, he's got a rude awakening in the near future.

"yeah, totally thought it was you, innocent mistake. i stabbed it, so i suppose i should get rid of it?" he said, the false innocence making me want to slap him.

the thing sighed, "yes, you should." it picked up the waste of perfectly good food, and started moving towards karma's desk.

abruptly, he stopped, his tentacles becoming drills, and moved quickly in and out of the room before stopping next to the boys' desk, a missile in his grasp. my eyes widened at the weapon, but i felt a smirk growing on my lips.

"observe if you will, karma my boy. the versatility of these tentacles and the firepower from this missile joint from the self-defense force," he said, his face lit up from the fire coming out of the weapon.

"if you think i'm gonna let the new kid get away with murder, think again."

he mixed some ingredients too quick for our eyes to really pick up on, and seconds later, there was food hanging out of the bastards' mouth, before he spit it out and coughed.

what a waste of food.

"don't you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day? your complexion tells me you haven't eaten, so please, help yourself to some of this delicious takoyaki. i insist," he taunted sinisterly, and i smirked even more at the appalled look on the boys' face.

he was pissed.

"you see, i'm a giver. i take care of things; hungry students, would-be assassins, troubled teens. every attempt on my life is an opportunity for me to play my part, so by all means, keep at it. by the end of the day, if your body and mind are to glow with health and knowledge, i haven't done my job."

this is definitely getting interesting.


throughout the rest of the day, karma would continue to make attempts on the octopus's' life. granted, none of them worked because the damn thing was too clever, but it was hilarious to watch.

in first period, he had gotten a gun out to shoot it "unawares", but before he could even fire the gun, there was a flash of yellow, and the gun was gone, leaving karma with ridiculously hilarious newly painted nails. i snorted behind my hand, not missing the glare the redhead sent me as he growled at the octopus, but i just smirked and winked at him before leaning back in my seat and continuing to zone out.

in fourth period, we were all just cooking pretty much, and i was paired with a petite girl called okuda, who was actually quite nice, but she was too nervous to do much but stutter and shake.

"look, sweetheart, this is probably the only class i can tolerate, so please try to keep your nervousness out of the way of our assignment so we do well, okay?" i passive-aggressively stated, and she flushed a bit pink before quickly nodding and getting back to work, noticeably less nervous.

the period head was behind our station, and he was paired with another cute girl, who was unsure about the results of their concoction, leaving the "teacher" to try it. the bastard then hit the thing the bowl was on, causing it to fly up into the air. i moved to get in front of my partner, so as to spare her any harm from his ridiculous and reckless efforts, but there was no need, because the octopus put it all back before anything bad could happen.

the thing then put him in a pink apron with a big heart in the middle, and there was a startled yet embarrassed blush on his face before he took off the matching cap.

i smirked at him again before going back to my own assignment.

cooking and fighting are the only things i'm good at, anyways.

in japanese, karma was about to make another attempt, but ended up being groomed as the octopus basically read the poem to him, and i snorted again. this was all too funny. i might just have to tell izaya about it.

nah. the bastard can suffer.

once school was finally over, i noticed the redhead heading out to the cliff, and i rolled my eyes. whatever he has planned, it won't work. the octopus is too smart.

"ah, heiwajima-chan!"

i roll my eyes, but turn around to face the beast.


"i saw that you did not do very well on the homework i assigned last night, so i was hoping that you would agree to have some after-class extra help sessions with little old me! this is in your best interest, after all!" he exclaimed, and i scoffed.

"look, i don't respect you. i don't even want to be here. i had to pick up my stuff and move to a whole other city because my old school booted me here. this school wouldn't have even accepted me if it weren't for my old one paying them to take me in. so, no matter what you do to try and make me 'belong' or try to get me to accept my circumstances, i won't. so don't bother trying, and just leave me the hell alone."

i turned on my heal and walked down the mountain, not caring if any of my classmates had heard what i'd said to the creature. i honestly couldn't care less what they thought of me.

i mean, i've always had a bad rep, especially since i'm related to heiwajima shizuo, but there's nothing i can do about it.

all i really can do, is give the assholes what they want.

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