not the reaper god dammit

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walking into the staff lounge, mako goes over and places a couple of boxes on the desk of the english teacher. one of them was large enough for the man and woman in the room to tell that there was an article of clothing in it, and the other two boxes were smaller but enticing to see the items inside.

"what's this?" irina asks with a surprised look, glancing between mako and the boxes. the teen just shrugs, gesturing for her to open the boxes, and irina slowly complies.

the woman gasps in awe as she opens the bigger box. inside it was a beautiful blood red spaghetti strap cocktail dress. there was also a necklace with a small silver bullet hanging from the chain, and the older blonde picks it up.

"what the..."

"check the others."

irina gives a wary look before opening the smallest box, looking at the small ring. "huh? a ring?"

"twist off the rose. and look at the box, again." the woman does as told, smiling at the small blade thingy the rose concealed. looking back at the box, she sees a small vial, eyes widening at it. "poison?"

"i have a few friends in low places." karasuma raises an eyebrow at the vague response, but watches as irina opens the last box to see a small handgun and a golden switchblade.

"kid, what the hell is all this? why'd you get me all this? i mean, thanks a lot, it's all amazing, but why?"

"i found out it was your birthday when i did a search on you a couple months ago, and i prepared. i got something for karasuma-sensei for his birthday months back, too," the girl replies, smirking, and irina gives him a confused look.

he just nods in confirmation, shocking the woman.

"well, thanks again, kid. these are the nicest gifts i've gotten for my birthday in awhile."

mako grins, nodding at the woman, then leaves to head to class. irina just shakes her head, a soft smile on her face watching her leave. "what a strange kid..."


mako arrived after skipping class a few days later, watching irina storm out of the class building with a scowl. "hey, irina, you doin alright?"

the shorter looks at her in surprise at the concern and use of her actual name, but then goes back to scowling.

"it doesn't concern you, kid. just go back to school."

"hey, wait-"

"heiwajima-chan, i think it's best to let her go, for now," the octopus says, but the girl just frowns at him.

"what the hell did you all do to her?"


mako had skipped a lot of class over the days irina was missing.

though she didn't show it all that much, she was actually quite fond of the woman. if she wasn't, she wouldn't have gotten her those gifts.

so, she did all she could to try and find the bitch. she even got izaya to help, though he'd only agreed after she promised to come spend a weekend working with him, back home. she could choose when, just she had to uphold her promise. 

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