itona shows up for good

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to say i was pissed was an understatement.

imagine getting a call around the middle of the night asking for help in dealing with the situation concerning the underwear thief.

rio, being the only one from class to have my number that i would answer at this hour, was the one who called me to come and help out. after managing to convince me, i got changed into some shorts and a t-shirt with a hoodie, and then made my way to the destination ritsu sent me. once i got there, i was briefly told the situation and given orders on what to do.

the whole thing was a sham set up by that shiro bastard and itona. itona had some kind of painful breakdown, and was kinda kidnapped by his "guardian" to be used as bait for
the octopus. the octopus fell into the trap, so now we're here to help out and keep these rat bastards from taking the kill.


i should've stayed in bed, dammit.

i climb into a tree, smirking as i kick one of the guys hard enough to knock him out cold and send him falling to the ground only for some of the others to catch the bitch.

i bust the light behind me before hopping back down, walking over to help isogai and maehara get the weird boy out of the net.

"i got this," i tell them, taking out one of my pocket knives and cutting the net enough for him to get out. the two boys stare between me and the knife, shocked and confused as to why i have it in the first place. i just ignore them, helping the boy out of the net.

at hearing the backstory behind the boy in front of me, i sigh. he's just a fucking kid and that asshole took advantage of him for some goddamn stupid reason.

terasaka walks up behind me, saying something about how we've all got shit to deal with, and then he takes the boy off the ground by the scruff of his coat. i give him a questioning look, asking if i can come with him, hazama, yoshida and muramatsu, and he just shrugs.

"whatever. you're strong as hell for some reason, so you can help if he goes berserk on us."

nodding, i follow after the four, sighing. this night will sure be eventful.


when itona finally wakes up, i glance over from my spot on the ground, then glance back to my phone. the chat room was active with izaya being a hyper piece of shit, but i ignore the man and get up to walk with hazama.

"where we heading?" i ask tiredly, and the girl chuckles at my obviousness.

"tired, heiwajima-chan?"

"hell yeah i am. this is the first night i've gotten to bed at a decent time in i don't know how long, and it gets interrupted because that bastard shiro was pulling stupid shit again. i'm gonna best his ass with a telephone pole the next time i see him," i rant, making the girl chuckle while the boys ahead of us shoot me wary looks (aside from tentacle boy).

we end up at a ramen shop, and i groan at the smell of the food. i hadn't eaten dinner 'cause i was too fucking tired, so now is better than ever to eat something.

at seeing the intensely angry look on itona's face, i stop slurping up my noodles and get ready to push hazama and the others behind me if he lashes out, but yoshida interferes first.

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