why does this kid even care

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once the news of yet another transfer student hit us, my classmates were all caught up in talking about just who this new kid was, and what exactly they might be able to do.

honestly, i don't even know what to suspect, considering the government had surprised us last time, with ritsu.

it had been raining all morning, much to my happiness, and i snort slightly at the bloated head of the octopus, apparently because it soaks up water and shit.

hara asks ritsu if she knows anything about the new transfer, and the ai responds by saying that they were originally supposed to come in together, but his arrival had been delayed.

when the door slid open to reveal a tall-ass guy decked out in some white robe shit, i glare at the figure with a side-eye, my glare intensifying when he, for some reason, makes a dove or whatever appear out of thin air.

'the fuck is up with this dude? he's creepy looking as shit'

explaining he's not our new classmate and that he goes by "shiro," the man walks further into the room, and i smirk a bit seeing the octopus in the corner of the ceiling.

droning out his voice, i lean back in my seat and stare at the ceiling, only snapping back to attention when the wall in the back blasts open, a boy with white hair walking through the dust and taking a seat.

"victory is mine. i have proven myself stronger than the classroom wall."

"bitch the fuck?"

"come on, use the door next time!"

"only strength matters. everything else is crap," the new kid states matter-of-fact like, and i roll my eyes.

the fuck is wrong with this dude? he looks halfway insane.

"i give you, horibe itona! or, if you prefer, just itona," shiro introduces the kid to the class, everyone still recovering from the shock of him literally blasting a wall in like a total fucking maniac.

honestly though, i've seen weirder shit.

"hey~, new kid! mind if i ask you a question? you came in from the rain without an umbrella. it's coming down in buckets out there. and yet somehow, there's not a drop on you. what's the story with that?" karma taunts, smirking at the weird bitch, who looks up at him with this blank look on his face that's kind of unnerving.

not as unnerving as seeing celty's severed head, though.

he stands up, moving towards karma and saying, "you're the strongest one in this class, aren't you? but you don't have to worry. you're still weaker than me. that means you get to live." the redhead looks uncomfortable with the shorter boy patting his head like a dog, but just sends him a small glare.

"you're beneath my skill."

at everyone shouting over that crazy shit itona says, i cover my ears and try to ignore them all shouting and questioning the octopus.


at lunch, i sat alone at my desk like usual, until i heard a chair pull up close to mine. looking over, i see the white haired brat eating a shit ton of sweets, and reading an adult magazine.

"pig," i mutter, leaning back in my chair and ignoring the dry look he sent me.

"you should eat."

"why do you care? you don't even know who i am, dumbass."

"heiwajima mako, transfer student from raira junior high academy in ikebukuro, a city well known for its major crime rates, color gangs, and urban legends. transferred to knugigaoka junior high at the behest of her previous school for untamable violence taken against classmates, faculty, and regular citizens. the youngest sibling of three, has two older brothers, one primarily raising her due to parents constantly working, and has suffering grades. have i said enough?" he states, and i glare at him, growling harshly at him.

"why do you know so much about me, asshat?"

"my guardian made it a priority for me to learn more about my classmates if i were to participate here. i simply found your file the most interesting and mysterious," he responds blankly, going back to what he was doing, and i groan.

i was about to go back to staring at the ceiling when something landed on my desk, and i saw that it was a nutrition bar.

"i also read that you barely eat. that's not healthy."

"yeah, well neither is eating all those sweets, you fucking moron."


at the end of the day, everyone had moved the desks to form a ring around the two "brothers", and shiro sets a rule about how if one of them steps outside the ring, they automatically lose. it's definitely most likely that the octopus will win, but with no one knowing itona's trump card, he's still unpredictable, and therefore the match is undecided.

the second shiro begins the match, koro-sensei loses a tentacle, and my eyes widen at the sight of tentacles coming out of itona's own head.

"what the fuck..."

i tense at the sight of koro-sensei being upset, and back further away from the ring.

the more shiro talks and the more itona attacks the octopus, the tenser i get, my nails beginning to dig into my arms as i have them folded.

when it looks like the boy has actually managed to kill him, the octopus gains the upper hand and manages to ultimately win the match.


i chuckle lightly at its antics but cover it up by pretending i hadn't found it funny at all.

itona goes on a rampage when the octopus lectures him, but shiro incapacitates him and picks the boy up, leaving the classroom smugly and leaving everyone shocked.

just when we all thought we were actually going to get a straight answer about his past from the octopus after cleaning up the classroom, he gives us some bullshit excuse and we all kinda just call him out and ask him the tougher questions.

i skipped out on the extra lecture, heading down the mountain in relief at finally leaving the dreaded building of learning. arriving at the foot of the mountain i look up to see someone standing at the bottom, and i narrow my eyes at the shorter boy.

"waiting for someone, douchebag?" his head snaps over in my direction and i roll my eyes, walking past him and trying to get to the station.

"remember to eat."

i turn around to give him a look but only find him gone. rolling my eyes for i don't know what time today, i can't find him anywhere i look, and sigh before heading back on my way to my apartment.

"the government is seriously fucked up."

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