it's not like i haven't been kidnapped before

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the next day, we all went out to explore the city, and even though i would've liked to have come with my brothers or something, it's still a nice thing to experience.

back at raira, we didn't normally go on school trips and stuff. it was all just boring, mundane, and stupid, while the rest of the city was flying off its hinges. everything at the schools back home was so boring, because they were supposed to be normal while everything else went to hell.

normal was the least of my problems back home.

the others were all talking about assassination while i just observed everything.

"guess you could say we're on an assassination vacation," sugino comments and i chuckle slightly.

"you could say that again."

after stopping for some sweet coffee, we head down some deserted path to get to a shrine, and i don't like it one bit.

seeing something move in the shadows, i tense up and take one of my pocket knives into my hand incase it's necessary. just because i'm not especially close with my classmates doesn't mean i'll just let them get hurt.

as soon as the thug looking guys come out of the shadows, i turn around and face the guys coming up behind us while karma stands in the front. we're the ones with the most experience in fighting, so it's best if we guard the others and fend them off.

glaring at the jerk who looks like the "boss", i don't pay attention to karma smack talking them, and just move to knock down the guys rushing for me and the other girls.

"you bastards don't wanna mess with me!" i shout, kicking one in the ribs and uppercutting the other, knocking them both to the side.

"he's right about it being a free-for-all," i say with a wide grin on my face, taking in the fear on the faces of the high school thugs.

"looks like this chick knows a thing or two about fighting. well, boys, don't rough her up too much," the one guy states, a disgusting smirk on his face, and i growl as the others stare at me like pigs.

another one rushes at me and i quickly slice his cheek with my knife, then hit a pressure point on his neck that knocks him out. turning at the sound of the other girls struggling, i move forwards and i'm able to free okuda before one guy comes up behind me and grabs one of my arms. another grabs my other arm, but i slam my head up into his chin and head butt the other, quickly moving to take out the other guys holding the girls.

"quick, grab the chick and tie her up! she's dangerous! if you can, knock her out!" one of the guys shouts and i face the older boys staring me down, sickening smirks on their faces.

"heiwajima-chan, be careful!" kayano exclaims but yelps when more guys grab hold of her and kanzaki again.

"let go of them you fucking bastards!" i yell, reaching over to the side and yanking a light pole out of the ground, swinging it at the guys beating up the boys and then towards the goons holding the girls, but drop it when i almost hit kanzaki.

"grab her already!"

i shout as three guys grab hold of me, tying my hands and legs quickly before draping me over one of their shoulders, and i make eye contact with the redhead as i'm being carried away.

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