idiots, strength, and scores

916 51 20

the octopus was out of control. he was speeding around the room, yelling about beating a-class, and everyone was stuck with clones.

only five months left until march, and they hadn't made it any closer to killing him.

mako was invited to go with the others on their way, later, okajima suggesting a shortcut, but she declined.

so, she was in a convenience store, browsing over some snacks and stuff for her and itona when her phone rang.


"uh, we kinda got in a bit of trouble, mako-chan..."

"huh? like, my kinda trouble, or a different kind of trouble?"

it was quiet for a couple minutes as rio explained the situation to her taller friend, and the few customers in the store were going about their own business in peace, when mako started yelling and cursing.

"what the actual fuck?! you guys are fucking dumbasses, you know that right?! it's one thing to do that kinda thing at school, but in public?! what the hell were you idiots thinking?!"

she hastily grabs a few bags of snacks and drinks, hanging up on rio as she goes to pay for them. once getting her stuff, she leaves the convenience store, only to run into someone and let out a small oof.

"huh? heiwajima? you look more pissed than usual, what's up?"

looking at the source of the voice, her expression grows darker.

"shut the fuck up, akabane. did you get the call, too?"

"yeah. what a bunch of reckless idiots, if you ask me."

nodding with a sigh, mako forced herself to calm down and begins walking off, not caring for the boy at her side. "why are you walking with me?"

"it's late, just thought i'd walk you home."

"i can take care of myself, akabane. see you tomorrow, asshat." with that, she walks off and away from him, leaving the redhead in the dust.

karma just chuckles, looking at the strawberry milk in his hand that he'd swiped off her. he knew she'd let him take it, but it was still a feat in itself that he'd managed that.

maybe he was finally starting to grow on her.


mako was trying hard to hide her irritation at the couple of kids pulling her every which way. karma was chuckling at her misfortune a few feet away, and she sends him a quick glare.

mako had never been all that fond of children. they were annoying, always screaming and crying and complaining. the only kid she liked was akane, the sweet little girl that tased her big brother and was the cutest little girl alive. akane was the little sister mako always wanted, and the little girl loved her the same.

at seeing the little pink haired girl telling the others that they were just insects, she lets out a snort. this kid was actually funny, but she didn't like her.

"awe, heiwajima, do you not like kids or something?"

"no, i don't. they only kid i like is back home and i miss her, so piss off, you moron."

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