studying. also, why did i open up???

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i'm absolutely done with this shit.

"a high-speed enhanced midterm study hall!"

at those words, i groan and lean back in my chair. my eyes go a bit wide, though, as i see one of the speed doubles in front of my desk wearing a headband.

"oh my god."

"now, heiwajima-chan! you seem to be struggling a bit in all your studies, but do best in english and history! so, first we'll be going over science, as it's your weakest subject!" it exclaims cheerfully, but i glare at him and ignore him.

"just leave me alone, jackass."

ultimately, i'm forced to actually do the work to get him off my back. i'm probably gonna skip at the first break we get, but he's most likely gonna be watching me like a hawk.

i chuckle at karma's "sneak attack" but snarl when he scolds me for not paying attention.

"heiwajima-chan! if you want to improve at all, you need to pay attention! otherwise, you'll fail! you don't want that, do you!?" ignoring him, i just write more shit on the paper and go along with his teaching methods for now.

once school was over, i packed away my stuff and went to leave the classroom, but then remembered the bitch told me to meet her in the teachers room after class. i walk down the hall, ignoring the blue haired boy and green haired girl, and slide open the door to see an unfamiliar man in there along with the "teachers".


as i get a better look at the man, i scowl, recognizing him as the human embodiment of a piece of shit.

"ah, hello, hewiwajima mako! i see you're still dressing like a delinquent!" he states with false cheerfulness in his tone. my scowl deepens as he smiles at me, but i school my features into an impassive mask as i level a stare at him.

"principal asano. it's a pleasure to see you once again."

chuckling, he looks at me with that intense stare of his.

"no need to lie to me, heiwajima-san. i know you hate me, and that's alright. though, i wonder how your older brother would feel if he knew that you've been disrespecting authority and skipping class on the daily. or, about those three days where you went missing?" he asks innocently, even though what he'd said wasn't innocent in the slightest.

"do not bring up my brother..." i growl, glaring harshly at the man who looked just a tiny bit unnerved.

the other three in the room appeared to be surprised at the mention of my family, but i calm down and turn to the woman.

"what did you need me for, because if i don't get out of here soon enough, i just might end up punching someone."

"well, i was honestly going to scold you for being a brat in class again, but now i see that that's pointless, so you can head on home. try to learn some manners while you're gone, okay?" she sarcastically finishes, but i stick my tongue out at her and leave the room.

seeing nagisa standing outside the door made me harden my facial features, a glare being aimed at him as i walk out.

"don't say anything to nobody."

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