At half past eight the next morning, I was rudely awoken by the loud beeping of my alarm clock.
"I don't want to get up!'' Ginny whined sleepily.
"Neither do I. But we have to, so get up," I told her. We weren't doing anything for the last day of the summer holidays, just staying home (not actual home, Leaky Cauldron home) and finishing off homework. Maybe going downtown to get a drink. I honestly had no idea why we had to get up as early as we were.
"Guys, guess what!" Hermione said as she picked out her clothes for today.
"What?" I said back.
"I'm going to go back down to Diagon Alley today to get an owl! And Ron'll be coming with me to get some medicine for Scabbers," Hermione announced.
"Cool! Hermione, that's awesome!" Ginny said.
"Now you'll be able to contact us in the holidays!" I exclaimed excitedly. Hermione laughed and disappeared behind her dressing room curtain. I followed her example, as did Ginny. When we'd got changed we went downstairs for breakfast. Pikelets today. As we ate, everyone came down to sit by us and they too started eating.
"So, what are we gettin' up to today?" Fred asked - well that's what I think he said....he had his mouth full at the time, and what he really said, sounded like, ''sowutoreeegobbenupsoowooday".
"Fred! Don't talk with your mouth full!" Mrs.Weasley snapped.
"Okay mommy, but seriously, what are we doing today?" Fred asked again.
"Well, you kids are going to finish your homework, and at some point in the day we'll go down to Diagon Alley because Ron needs to get some things for Scabber's and Hermione's going to get an owl!" Mrs.Weasley answered happily.
"Sweet!" George said with a grin.
"Yeah," Hermione agreed, also grinning.
"When you're finished your breakfast, go grab all your homework and you can go up to the balcony. Do your homework in the sun, it'll be good for you," Arthur told us.
"Okay!" Ginny answered.
I finished first, so I went up and grabbed my books and other things I needed. I went up another flight of stairs, up to the balcony. The sun was bright and burning so I ran back down to the kitchen to tell everyone to bring a hat.
"Okay dear," Mrs. Weasley said. I smiled and left the room with Ginny to go back to the balcony.
"Merlin, it is hot!" Ginny said as she sat down on a chair.
"I know right? Even the wind is hot." I exclaimed, fanning my face with a piece of parchment.
"That doesn't matter, you still have to work, otherwise you'll get in trouble!" said a voice that sounded like it was coming up the stairs. It was Percy of course. Ginny rolled her eyes and I sighed.
Everyone else filed out onto the balcony behind Percy. Ten minutes later there was silence, and the only noise was the scratching of our quills on the parchment. At this particular moment I was working on a Transfiguration question - What spell would I use to change a hairpin into a pair of tweezers? I sighed, but worked on.
At around half past eleven, most of us had nearly finished. We stopped for a break, and went down to Diagon Alley. As soon as we got there, Percy dragged his mom and dad over to something he saw yesterday. Fred and George went off to look for new prank items. That left Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Harry and I to go to the pet shop.
We walked off, and were almost there when Ron spotted Daniel. We all ran over to him, nearly knocking him over with our hugs. He'd grown over the break, and his hair looked lighter. His blue eyes twinkled as he laughed and asked us what we were up to. Hermione told him that she was getting an owl.

Miranda Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Sirius Black's Daughter SEQUEL!)
FanfictionMiranda and her friends are returning to Hogwarts for another year - but this one will be a year like no other. There is a mad escaped prisoner on the run, with the name Sirius Black. Everyone is scared for their lives, especially two students - Har...