I woke up on Monday morning just in time to hear a loud pop followed by footsteps, and then the front door opening and closing. Curiosity getting the best of me, I crept down the stairs to see what it was. I studied the room to find the source of the pop but had no luck. I looked to the door and saw that there was movement outside.
I walked over to it and pressed my ear against the wood. People were talking. Silently, I peeped out the closest window and saw Arthur grinning and chatting to a red haired person. Who in the name of Merlin was that? And then an idea struck me. This holiday was meant to be a family one - but the Weasley's number hadn't been complete. Molly, Arthur, Bill, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, me - Charlie! I smiled and went back up the stairs to wake up Ginny.
Ginny was still asleep, snoring a little. I chuckled and prodded her in the shoulder with my finger.
"Wake up Gin! You'll never believe who's here!" I said, not too loudly. She opened her eyes and yawned before asking me who was here.
"Charlie!" I said excitedly, not bothering to lower my voice this time.
"Really?" Ginny said excitedly, "I haven't seen Charlie in 3 years!" I grinned and dragged her down the stairs. To my surprise Charlie was no longer outside but sitting on one of the many seats chatting away to Arthur.
Arthur saw us and stopped in mid-sentence to say good-morning. Charlie turned towards us and rushed up to hug Ginny, and then he turned on his heel to face me.
"And who are you?" he asked me, meeting my eyes with a steady look.
"Miranda Black, from a Muggle orphanage and right now living with the Weasleys at The Burrow," I said in an official voice, smiling at Charlie. I'd said that line to so many people now, it sounded rehearsed.
" Black? A relative of Sir-" Charlie started, but Arthur cut him off by telling him to be quiet.
Ginny must have looked just as confused as me, because Arthur quickly said that it was nothing to do with us and that we should just forget what Charlie said. I nodded, but everyone in the room knew I wouldn't forget that. A relative of Sir? Who was Sir? Was it part of the name, or was it Sir.Nicholas or something? Was I really related to them? Were they still alive? Did I actually have living family? Thoughts raced through my mind, but I was interrupted by Bill, who'd just woken up and had come to get breakfast.
"Hey Charlie! How are you?" he said, walking over to Bill and hugging him as Ginny had done. After a small conversation they began to talk about Ministry things that weren't of much interest to Ginny or I. Together we went back to our room to get changed.
After we'd had a wash and dressed into our clothes, we went back down stairs to see that everyone was now up. Mrs. Weasley was busy cooking pancakes.
"Are they ready yet?" Ron asked greedily, his eyes fixed on the pile of pancakes.
"Just a second Ron!" she said, turning to face Ron,"Oh, hello girls!"
"Morning," Ginny and I said in sync. Everyone turned to us and said good morning back.
"Okay guys, pancakes are ready!" Mrs. Weasley announced a few minutes later. There was a sudden racket as everyone rushed forward to get the best pancakes first. I reached the bench first after "accidentally" elbowing Fred out of the way. Mrs. Weasley piled 3 pancakes on my plate.
I thanked her and grabbed the maple syrup. I drew a syrupy spiral and waited for Ginny to get hers. Everyone walked out to the balcony, bathing in the warm morning sun as we ate. No one talked. We just enjoyed our food - tomorrow's breakfast would probably be plain porridge.

Miranda Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Sirius Black's Daughter SEQUEL!)
FanfictionMiranda and her friends are returning to Hogwarts for another year - but this one will be a year like no other. There is a mad escaped prisoner on the run, with the name Sirius Black. Everyone is scared for their lives, especially two students - Har...