"What?" I exclaimed. Time seemed to slow down as I stared at him - it had to be some kind of cruel prank, right?
"Um, Sirius Black is after me, and you." Harry repeated. A wave of dizziness washed over me and I almost stumbled.
"Are you serious?" I asked.
"No, I'm Harry." he replied, very seriously.
"Harry! That's not funny." I said, slapping his arm.
"Sorry. But I am being serious."
"Oh my God." I said, my hands shaking. Harry glanced at me in a protective way, and we kept on walking.
Soon we reached the amazing castle. The walls stood high, towering over everything, even the tallest trees in the Forbidden Forest. We kept walking until we reached the large doors of the castle. Professor Flitwick appeared again near the doorway, greeting the whole school as we all barged through the doors to the Great Hall, heading for our house tables.
"Why are you so pale?" Ginny asked me as we sat down at the Gryffindor table. I put my head in my hands and sighed.
"Oh. Well, it's not very easy information to tell people so I'm just going to say it straight up. Harry just told me that Sirius Black is also after me." I replied.
"Merlin's beard! Are you for real?" Ginny questioned. All I could do was nod. Before she could say anything else, she was cut off by footsteps and nervous chatter coming from outside the hall. The whole school silenced almost instantaneously, and turned to the large wooden doors to watch as Professor McGonagall lead about 30 new students into the hall. I spotted the girl I'd met in Diagon Alley - Star.
Even though she was only a year older than the rest, she still stood taller than the other students. She was pale and looked nervous. I remembered how anxious I was before the Sorting and momentarily felt bad for her. But then I recalled how good it felt to have everyone cheering as you got sorted into your Hogwarts family. Star was looking around, and I could tell she was in awe. It was hard not to be.
Her eyes found me and she grinned. She raised her hand and waved. I waved back and she smiled even wider. I then turned back to Ginny, who was chatting away to Neville.
"Hi Miranda!" Neville said as he noticed me.
"Hey Neville. How are you?" I asked.
"I'm okay. But I lost Trevor, my toad, on the train. Again!" Neville answered sadly. "I always lose him on the train,"
"Oh, that's unfortunate." I said with what I hoped could pass for an apologetic smile. Neville nodded, before shouting, "TREVOR!"
He disappeared under the table, and came back up holding a large toad in his hands. Neville nervously smiled at us and turned away. Meanwhile, the new students had reached the front of the hall and were now gathered in a group surrounding Professor McGonagall and the Sorting Hat. McGonagall stood up and cleared her throat.
"The Sorting shall now begin, please stay quiet," she said.
The Sorting Hat started up his song immediately. It went on for about five minutes. When he was finished, Professor McGonagall started to call out the names.
The first one was a round faced girl, with strawberry blonde hair and a nervous grin. She waddled up to the hat, sat down, and it had barely touched her head when it screamed, "HUFFLEPUFF!" Cheers erupted from the Hufflepuff table as she took her seat.
The next person was also a girl. She was tiny, and had piercing, bright, almost neon green eyes. She was almost sorted into Ravenclaw, but the hat changed his mind and she ended up going to Slytherin. A few more people went up and got sorted, and finally Star got called.

Miranda Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Sirius Black's Daughter SEQUEL!)
FanficMiranda and her friends are returning to Hogwarts for another year - but this one will be a year like no other. There is a mad escaped prisoner on the run, with the name Sirius Black. Everyone is scared for their lives, especially two students - Har...