Chapter 23 - Revelations

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Hermione and Daniel screamed. Ginny scrambled backwards against the wall where Ron was lying, as Sirius jumped to his feet to stand next to Harry. I watched in shock. 

"I found this at the base of the Whomping Willow," said Snape, revealing the Invisibility Cloak. I swore...maybe we shouldn't have left it in plain view. Snape hadn't lowered his wand from Lupin's chest, although he was eyeing up everyone in the room one at a time. "Very useful Potter, thank you. I suppose you are wondering how I figured you were here? I've just been to your office, Lupin. You forgot to take your potion tonight, so I took a gobletful along. And very lucky I did...lucky for me, that is. Lying on your desk was a certain map. It only took me a few seconds to see your little footprints moving very quickly in this direction, with your stupid twittering sidekick too,"

Lupin had paled considerably. "Severus, you-" But Snape silenced him.

"I've been telling the Headmaster for months now that you've been helping your old pal Sirius Black sneak into the castle, Lupin. I suspected Miss Goody-Two-Shoes Avium here as well. And now I have proof. Not even I had dreamed you would use this old place as your hideout again -"

"Severus, you're making a mistake," Tori spoke up. "You haven't heard the whole story - I promise you, we can explain - Sirius is not here to kill Harry, or-"

"Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about! It looks like Azkaban will now have three more prisoners tonight. Won't the Dementors be pleased?" Snape said, his eyes glittering. "I believe it shall be interesting to see Dumbledore's reaction when he finds out his little, tame werewolf has been misbehaving, oh so badly. He was quite convinced you were harmless..."

Both Tori and Remus began to speak again, but before they could get more than two words out, they were silence by thin cords shooting out of Snape's wand. They wrapped themselves around our Professors, stopping them from talking and causing them to fall to the floor. Sirius roared angrily and started forward, stopping only when Snape laughed. He pointed his wand at Sirius's face.

"Give me a reason," he said. "Give me a reason, and I swear I will,"

Sirius halted, not knowing what to say. The look of hatred on his face matched Snape's. I looked around the room at all of my friends. No one had moved, and everyone looked as confused as I was feeling. Who were we to believe? What were we to do? I was pondering over these questions when Hermione took an uncertain step towards Snape, and said in a very timid voice, "Professor - it wouldn't hurt to hear their side of the story, would it?"

Snape snarled and turned to face her with an icy glare. He yelled out about how she was facing suspension for being out of school bounds with a convicted murderer, werewolf, and a teacher with too many secrets. Hermione looked taken aback but she continued talking, saying something about how there could be a mistake - Snape was having none of it. "KEEP QUIET, YOU STUPID GIRL!" he roared, "DON'T TALK ABOUT THINGS YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!"

Hermione silenced, shrinking back towards where Daniel was leaning against the wall. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down as Snape and Sirius began arguing. I'd heard so much information that I didn't know what to think...I tuned back into the conversation when I heard Professor Snape saying he would drag Lupin and Tori out if he had to, and for us to all follow him.

"...maybe there'll be a Dementor's kiss for your two helpers as well, Sirius," he finished saying, turning towards the door. Harry moved lightning fast, racing over to the doors and blocking the exit. 

"Potter, get out of the way. You're in enough trouble already. You're lucky I got here in time and saved you before-" Harry cut him off.

"I've been alone with Professor Lupin and Professor Avium a number of times this year. Why would they wait to kill me now if they were helping Black? And Miranda too," Harry was getting angry now, I could see it just from his stance and the way his eyes sparked. "You know what, Severus. You're pathetic. JUST BECAUSE LUPIN AND BLACK MADE A FOOL OF YOU AT SCHOOL, YOU WON'T EVEN LISTEN-"

Miranda Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Sirius Black's Daughter SEQUEL!)Where stories live. Discover now