January faded gradually into February, with no change in the bitterly cold weather. The Gryffindor verse Ravenclaw Quidditch match was fast approaching, and Harry still hadn't gotten his Firebolt back, or ordered a new one just in case the Firebolt got taken away for good. Wood was constantly onto Harry, sometimes even coming up to us and asking us to try and put the pressure on him to order a new broom. None of us did though.
Anti-Dementor lessons were going good - for me, anyway. I could produce a Patronus well enough to ward off a few Dementors, whilst Harry was still making wisps that hung in the air limply, which kept the Dementor away, but it wouldn't be much use against more than two of them. Lupin explained that this was probably because the Dementors affected him more than me, which was understandable.
On our fourth lesson, Lupin and Iris gave us a treat for working so hard. It was a drink called Butterbeer, which I was sure I had last year at a party we'd had in the Common Room. But I pretended I'd never had it before. A buttery warmth spread through my body as I drank. We drunk in silence, until Harry asked a question which I'd been wondering about too.
"What's under a Dementor's hood?" Then our teachers explained about a thing called the Dementors' Kiss. It's not really a kiss, of course. That would be weird. Soul sucking monsters who just wanted to have a make out session with you.
But really, their kiss was a way of punishing criminals. They pull back their hood, and there's supposedly some sort of mouth under there, which they clamp over the jaws of their victim. Then they suck out their soul. It doesn't cause death though. You exist without your soul, an empty shell with no chance of recovery.
"When Sirius Black is found, the Dementors will be performing the Kiss." Lupin told us rather gravely, sitting down on a desk.
At this, Professor Avium abruptly dropped her mug, which smashed, spilling droplets of Butterbeer everywhere. She blushed red and apologized for her clumsiness, and quickly repaired the mug. She placed it back on the table and mumbled something about being tired before rushing off. Harry then said that Sirius deserved it, which was when I got up to leave. Harry and Lupin continued talking though, for about five minutes. I patiently waited outside of the door for Harry. When he came, his face was rather pale. We walked in silence, Harry looking at his feet most of the way, so he didn't see Professor McGonagall coming. He walked straight into her.
"Do watch where you're going Potter!" she said, "I've just been looking for you. We've done everything we could on it...and there's nothing wrong with it. It's free to take now. You certainly have a good friend somewhere, Potter." She handed Harry's Firebolt to him. Harry was in awe, his mouth hanging open. He stammered his thanks, before we ran off. Ron met us at the entry, grinning ear to ear. He begged for a go on it, and I knew that everyone else inside the Common Room would be like that, so I decided to go in first, separately from Harry and Ron.
"C'mon Miranda! Wake up! It's the Quidditch game in an hour!" Ginny's voice awoke my from my dream.
"Yeah okay..." I said, dozing back off.
"I MEAN NOW! Ginny yelled, ferociously for such a small girl. There was a thud on my face, and I opened my eyes to see that Ginny had hurled a pillow at me. "Get up!" I rolled me eyes but did as she told me. I pulled on some jeans and my Gryffindor robes, and rushed down the stairs, where Ginny was waiting, impatiently tapping her foot.
"Finally!" she exclaimed, before grabbing my wrist and dragging me along with her. We walked into the Great Hall to see that everyone was surrounding the Gryffindor table. I looked at Ginny.
"Is that because of Harry's broom?" I asked her.
"Probably." she answered plainly. Together we walked to the table, and pushed our way through the crowd. We barged our way through the thick front line, and sat down next to Harry. The crowd, displeased that we sat where they were looking, thinned out.

Miranda Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Sirius Black's Daughter SEQUEL!)
FanfictionMiranda and her friends are returning to Hogwarts for another year - but this one will be a year like no other. There is a mad escaped prisoner on the run, with the name Sirius Black. Everyone is scared for their lives, especially two students - Har...