~Kaias POV~
Excruciating pain course through my body. Every nerve ache every time my heart pump. I couldnt apply pressure to the hole that was in my stomach. My breathing was tottering. My diaphragm was damaged.
"Nightmare, look at me. Stay with me." Grimmjow said. He started tapping my face so I could stay awake. I opened one eye and kept the other shut due to the pain. There was something wrong. My body would already be healing its self. The pain shouldnt be this worst.
I clutch my shirt which was soaked by my blood. I heard a guy grunting and groaning from pain. I turned to my left looking past Grimmjow and saw Hikari. His silvery blue suit was gone. It was back to a light blue kimono.
"H-Hik-ari." I choked out.
"Please Kai dont talk." Nel said. My head was on her knees while she was stroking my hair. Another burning pain spread through my body. I screamed and moved away from them. Shi moved Grimmjow out if the way to get to me. I could feel something coursing through my body. It was dark. It was venomous.
"Nightmare, babe, I have to take the venom out of you." Shi said grabbing my hand. I shook my head and grabbed his hand. I groaned from the pain.
"H-heal Hi-Hikari first." I said trying to look in his eyes. "Please." I pleaded. He hesitated but then nodded. I half smiled. This isnt a good day. Matter a fact, my life isnt good at all. One I killed Ulquiorra, second, Aizen is gonna destroy the Karakura Town to make a stupid key. He also need my power which was 2/3 of what he needed.
"KAIA!" Someone screamed my name. I blinked opened my eyes. Nel was peering down at me with horror in her eyes. I looked to the left and found Ichigo running towards me. "This isnt good." He said looking at the hole in my stomach. His hand hovered over the hole.
"St-stop." I grabbed his hand before he apply pressure to it.
"Go, you need to try and stop him." I said pushing him alittle.
"What!? He tore a hole in your body and took the Key Of Light out of you!" He shouted.
"You never give up idiot so go!" Grimmjow growled.
"No one can stop him. I can sense his power. Its powerful than mine." Ichigo looked down. I sucked in air and held my breathe. I clutch onto Nels hand. "We need you to stop him." He looked at me.
"Just do it! Ichigo I believe in you." I shouted. More pain erupted in my body. I screamed once more and moved closer towards Nel. I couldnt feel his presents anymore. I know he can beat Aizen. If not, I could finish him off, but right now, I cant.
"Princess hang in there." I heard Hikari said. I licked my lips. I looked at him. He had the look that he was fine, but his eyes show more than he was. His ocean blue eyes held pain and sorrow in them. I get the pain but he shouldnt be sorry for me.
"Kai." I closed my eyes and inhaled the air. I looked to the right and saw Dad limping towards me. He knelt beside Nel.
"You need blood." He said rolling up the sleeves of his long flowy dark green kimono. I shook my head rapidly.
"N-No. Its not gonna w-work." I said.
"You need to heal. I cant see you like this." He said. I looked up at him.
"I cant picture myself tasting your blood. Daddy, I cant." I sighed. I felt tears rolled down the side of my face. I push his arm away from me. "Go, help Ichigo."
I looked up at the bright blue sky. My eyes burned but it doesnt matter now.
"Listen to me, Kaia you are to strong to lose now. You need blood." She begged. I chuckled a little then coughed.

Strange One (Bleach Fanfic)
Fanfiction*Editing in progress* Everyone in Karakura Town and the soul society are happy. Doing there job. Especially the soul reapers. Ichigo Kurosaki protects his town. He isnt a soul reaper nor a human. But why is he doing this? He protects what he cares a...