~Ichigos POV~
I was running towards the public water fountain where Rukia told me that the hollow was here. I finally got here and luckily that weirdo or strange guy didnt come and took this hollow down. That had been happening over 2 weeks now. I had enough of him.The hollow was roaring and chasing a little boy.
"Please help me mister!" He said running towards me. He ran and hid behind me.
"Stay back." I said pulling out Zangetsu. "Hey you!" I called out. The hollow looked at me. He licked his lips and roared at me.
"Who the hell are you?" He asked.
"The person who will destroy you." I ran at him and jumped in the air with Zangetsu over my head ready to cut his neck. He raised his arm and hit me. I went flying towards the tree.
"Bastard." I said running towards him. I use flash step and appeared behind him and cut him from the back. I used flash step again and appeared in the air and cut his neck off. "There that would finish him." I said putting Zangetsu back in his shaft and walked over to the boy who was sitting on the ground.
"What happened?" I asked leading him a hand.
"I was looking for my sister and found him strangling her. I was scared. He noticed me and ran after me after eating my sister." He cried. I hugged him.
"Its ok little boy. I will send you to the soul society and they would help you ok." I pulled out my sword and touched his for head with the back of the hilt and light involved around him and he turned into a butterfly.
Its crazy how I was an ordinary human and then became a soul reaper helping innocent souls and saving peoples lives. I stood up and looked around my surroundings. I spotted a girl that looked my age was walking away from the fountain. She was wearing a cloak with the hood over her head. I could see blonde hair sticking out from the sides.
I shurgged it off because I was tired to check it out. She looked innocent anyways. She wouldnt hurt anyone and plus she cant see me anyways. Right?
I jumped from roof tops to get home. I landed on the egde of the window and climbed in. I put on my gigai. Rukia came out off the closet.
"How was the job?" She asked.
"So your calling defeating a hollow a job?" I asked raising an eye brow. Sitting on my bed.
"Well duh. Were soul reapers. thats our job." She said sitting on my chair. "So that mystery person didnt kill it." She said.
"Yup. That bastard didnt show up." I said getting up and walking towards the door. Before I opened it, I stopped because that big strange spiritual pressure came back then disappeared. We need to figure who is doing this.
"I have to talk to Byakuya or Toshiro about this spiritual pressure. Maybe they know something." Rukia said. I looked at her and nodded. I walked out and walked towards the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I got ready for bed.
"Night Rukia." I said hopping into my warm bed. I got comfortable and looked up at the ceiling. All I could think about was that girl who was at the fountain. Why was she there because no one was? Could she see me? Does she know that soul reapers exist? All these questions went through my head. I groaned and turned around and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.
~Unknowns POV~
I sat on a tree looking at the town how it was nice and quiet at night. I jumped off and walked towards a big lake that wear the water fountain. I sat there danging my feet in the water. Its been 2 weeks or more since I've been here. I havent spoken to my dad yet.
"Hey." A guy voice said behind me. I turned my head making the chains rattle from my movements. They were wrapped around my neck and made their way my waist and right arm.
"What do you want Shi?" I asked looking back at the water. I like the moonlight shining upon the water making it glisten.
"What? I cant sit here at night with a beauitful lady. Plus your beauitful red eyes sparkle at night." He drapped his arm over my shoulder while tapping my nose.
"Shi you are my zanpakuto not my 'boyfriend." I removed his arm. He pouted.
"So you let that boy take that hollow and you wouldnt?" He asked looking into the water.
"Eh, I've been taking all there fun by killing a bunch of hollows here. Plus everytime I fight I crave more." I said looking into his bight golden eyes.
"Well you are a-" He was cut off by another voice.
"Come on Shi dont make her think about it more." He said. I turned my head to my left and looked at a guy with white soul reaper outfit.
"Ugh, you guys, come on I didnt call you." I said hitting my for head with my palm.
"Haha she told you to leave Hikari!" Shi laughed.
"You both shut up and go back. Please." I said getting up making my chains rattle.
"As you wish princess." Hikari said. They both kissed both of my cheeks and disappered.
"Ugh, my zanpakuto are such flirts." I said and started walking. I felt a hollow spiritaul pressure close by. It was trying to hide it I could tell. I laughed and ran towards that direction. This hollow was coming towards a young girl who was sitting beside her pole with flowers. The hollow went up to her and she screamed for help and tried to run away but the hollow grabbed her.
"Help! Let me go!" She screamed. I cut off the hollows arm and saved the girl. I set her down away from the hollow. The hollow roared in pain.
"Come out who ever you are!?" He said looking around. This hollow looked like a monkey with a horrible mask.
"Shut up your loud and annoying." I said leaning against the pole where the girl sat.
"Who are you?" He asked looking at me.
"That makes me upset. It makes sense because I was gone for 5 years but.." I trailed off.
"I dont care about your small stupid little life. I will eat you before you can do anything." He laughed and lunged towards me. i jumped out of the way.
"Wanna a bet?" I pulled out Hikari my white soul reaper sword and cut off his arm. I used flash step and cut off his left leg making him fall. I put Hikari back into his shaft.
"Yes you used me finally!" Hikari said in my head.
"You use him not me. Im sad." Shi said in my head.
"Both of you shut up and let me focus." I said and looked at the hollow who was on the floor trying to get up.
"Bitch." The hollow said.
"Thats very mean word." I looked into his eyes. He stared back at me. My eyes begin glowing.
"Whats going on? I cant move!" The hollow cried.
"Tear." I said. His skin was peeling and his right arm and right leg came off. Blood was every where. I closed my eyes and took deep breath. I opened my eyes and walked towards the badly beaten hollow and he was struggling to speak.
"Wh-who are y-y-you?" He asked me once again.
"People call me Nightmare." I pulled out Shi and cut off his head and the body disintegrated. I walked over to the girl and she was frightened. She had wide eyes and was shaking.
"Please dont hurt me." She said moving back wards.
"I would never hurt you. I saved you didnt I?" I asked her standing in front of her. She nodded. I smiled.
"You should past on before they come back." I said pulling out Hikari.
"But I didnt say good bye." She said.
"You will meet whoever's wanting for in the soul society. If they ask how you came here, say Nightmare brought me." I said. "Maybe they'll let you come back to say goodbye." She nodded and I touched her for head with the hilt. She turned into the butterfly and floated away. I clasp onto the floor. My breathing was heavy.
"Im so hungry." I breathed out and flashed step towards the woods.

Strange One (Bleach Fanfic)
Fanfiction*Editing in progress* Everyone in Karakura Town and the soul society are happy. Doing there job. Especially the soul reapers. Ichigo Kurosaki protects his town. He isnt a soul reaper nor a human. But why is he doing this? He protects what he cares a...