Chapter 26

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~Kaias POV~

I heard mumbling around me. I wouldnt move. I couldnt move. My eyes were closed so I saw nothing. What was going on? Was I paralyzed? The mumbling was getting clearer.

"What did you do to her?!" Someone shouted it sounded like a girl.

"I didnt do anything. She needs to calm down. We share abilities so I could compel her a little." A male voice.

"Stop shouting your not making the situation better." Another male voice said. He sound worried but calm. Who was I in a room with? Why cant I move?

"She hasnt slept or stayed like this for a long time. Its not normal." A male voice that sounded very worried. Dad. I finally felt a tingle feeling in my arm and fingers. I saw a small light. I fluttered open my eyes and get them adjusted to the light. 

"Kaia!" They all crowded around me. I couldnt move. I felt like my whole body was sleeping. "Are you ok?" Yoruichi asked. I lookeda round and saw Hikari, Shi, Kage, and Dad. My body felt tight.

"Whats going on?" I asked trying to sit up.

"Do you remember anything before you, um, past out?" Shi said.

"You made me sleep I didnt pass out!" I shouted at him. I still wouldnt move. Not a muscle.

"Why cant I move!" I wiggled back and forth.

"I cant let you do something stupid." Kage said. I realized there was light shining down on us showing out shadows.

"Why?" I said. He moved my shadown and I was attached to a big rock.

"Sorry princess but we need to know if you remember anything?" Hikari said walking closer to me. I avoid eye contact. I shook my head and then a felt the spiritual pressure. I could spot that spiritual pressure anywhere.

"No. Wheres the others!" I shouted looking around.

"Kaia what do you know?" He asked again. Dont tell me Ichigo left to fight him.

"You did not let Ichigo go out there." I looked at Dad. He covered his eyes with his hat.

"Why Dad! You could die!" I struggled trying to get lose.

"Kaia was going on? What do hear or sense?" Shi asked.

"Just let me go please." I begged. I looked at Kage. "Trust me." He sighed and shook his head. I screamed making the whole place shake. My face was burning. My throat felt like it was being ripped out of my body. The lights started to flicker making it disappear.

"Kaia dont do that!" Some one shouted. I broke free. Shi and Hikari went to zanpakuto form and I flash step with them out of the training room. I put on my black cloak making my chains rattle.

"Stop Kaia!" Dad ran upstairs. I looked at him and flash out of the place.

~Ichigos POV~

I was panting. My arm was busted. I was beated up badly. Uryu and Chad are already down. Orihime was in a middle of healing Chads arm.

"Ichigo ready to give up?" That voice again filled my head. The big tough guy and a small skinny guy with green eyes and a hollow scull cap on his right side of his head. The big guy was the one fighting me. I cast a black cero cutting off his left hand making him scream.

"No Im not gonna change!" I scream. I charged at him and he tossed me back words making me hit my back and stomache back and forth. In this codition I might of broke all my bones.

"Your weak Ichigo. Trust me I'll finish off." The voice disappeared and then a hollow mask start to form. No not yet. The mask took over my face and changed my completely. I roared and my yellow eyes beaming out. I flash step very quickly. It doesnt even feel like I moved.

"What the..." The big guy said and then I crushed him with my cero. This cero is powerful than my last one. Maybe because I was losing energy.

"Getsuga Tenshou." My voice sounded hollowified. I was different. I acted different. Yet Im the same but stronger. I get to my senses and started taring the mask off my face. Once I did there was only one guy standing.

"That was impressive." The green guy said. 

"Who the hell are you?" I said breathless. The guy doesnt have an impression on his face. He doesnt show any emotion. What is with him? He didnt answer me. He stuck out his hand and opened his palm. A dark green ball form from it.

"Ichigo watch out!" Orihime delicate voice filled my ear. She was running towards me before I know it the cero was being blast.

"NOOOOOOOO!" She screamed. I waited for the powerful blow. I fell backwards with the intense air that came from it. I opened my eyes and saw a tall dark figure standing infront od me with his zanpakuto in front of him.

He disappeared and touched me making me disappear away from what was happening. Everything was happening to fast I didnt know what was going on. I appeared next to Orihime who wrapped her arms around my neck holding me close to her.

"Thank god your ok! Who was that?" She asked started to heal my wounds.

"Dont know.." I said laying down. I closed my eyes. I was really tired. Before I knew it I fell alsleep.

~Kaias POV~

"Stupid move Kai." Shi said. I shook my head and focus oon where I was heading. I landed on a roof when a powerful, strong, spiritual pressure was released. No this isnt from a cero.

"You guys are always there to protect me and trust me and understand situations. Please trust me." I said.

"We do princess. But right know we dont even know what is going on." Hikari said. I continue running towards the field.

"Soon you will find out." I said unsurely. My mind kept on racing about who was Ichigo fighting. By smelling that scent and hearing the gate open I know who was here. I have to be sure that he is. He cant be here. I jumped on a tree looking at the battle field. Uryu was passed out same with Chad.

Orihime was healing Chads arm. She was so helpful. I saw him. Most of the images were a blurr with all the dust blowing back and forth. I saw something green. Dark green that was growing. My eyes widened and I jumped down and flash step very fast towards Ichigo.

I pulled out Shi out quickly and blocked the attack when he blasted it. The cero released and disappeared after a few second. I flash step Ichigo into a new and safe area with Orihime. I saw his eyes widened. I stood behind him.

"Who are you?" He deep voice filled my ears. I took a second to let his voice and words soak in like water. It breaks my heart that he forgot about me yet it was my idea that he forgot.

Im shocked you dont know who I am." I said trying not to make my voice shake or sound weak. He turned and look at Orihime healing. Then he looked back at me and turned his whole body to face me.

"Your spiritual pressure. Who are you?" He asked. Should I say my ID. Theres people looking for me. Just looking at him makes me want to break down and cry. He doesnt have a clue on who I am.

"Who are you is the real question." I asked him. He moved his head back a little looking me up and down. All you see is chains around my neck my zanpakuto on my side attach to chains and a cloak covering everything.

"Ulquiorra Cifer. The 4th espada that will defeat you." He put his arm up facing his palm at me ready to make a cero. I know his way of fighting. I flash step away and we hit swords and small sparks appeared.

"Who are you? Show your face." He said with no emotion. He hadnt changed one bit.

"Nightmare. Now leave." I tilt my head up showing my red eyes. My eyes stared into his perfect green eyes.

"Just what Master Aizen is looking for." His last words until he opened the gate that looked like an eye ball shape and let with Espada waht seems like 0. The new one.

"Ulquiorra. Im sorry." I said and then fell on my knees. I dig my hand into the dirt feeling wet tear drops on my hand. Hot tears filled my eyes and rolled off my chin. Sobs took over my body. I sat there crying. Why did he come back? Was it for me? Who is Aizen? He doesnt know me anymore. I cant take this pain anymore.

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