~Ichigos POV~
Before I could do anything to save Kaia a hollow attacked me. It hit my sides. Pain shit through my body. It felt like my rib cage was broken from that hit. I felt backwards tumbling onto the ground. Ikkaku was badly injured but still fought. He is a strong man for sure. I struggled getting up. It was getting hard to breathe.
"Its time Ichigo." A hollow voice said inside my head. I shook that away. No its not time yet. I grabbed Zangetsu and stood up in my stance. 3 hollows roared at me. I had on eye closed from the pain. They lunged forward. I cut them with Zangetsu while moving out of the way. I felt this strange power forming inside of me. No I cant change.
"No." I said. A hollow masked started forming on my left cheek. Then the hollow masked spread throughout my whole face. I roared like a hollow. I blast my cero and all the hollows died.
"Ichigo snap out of it!" Uryu said. I roared again looking at him. I then saw Kaia laying on the floor blood seeping into the ground.
"Kaia." I said. I roared again and tried to rip off the mask. I did it and fell on my knees and gasped.
"What the hell man!" Ikkaku yelled landing next to me. I didnt answer him. I didnt know what happened. My havent felt that strong power in a while. I wasnt sure if I could control it anymore. I got up and limped walking over to Kaia.
"What do we do?" I asked. I tried picking her up but then someone stopped me.
"Ichigo stop we got this." Shi said behind me. I turned around and Hikari and him were both coming towards her. Hikari rolled up his sleeves and put his wrist in her mouth.
"Blood could help her heal?" Uryu asked confusingly.
"Yes. But not quite. She could patch up the inside wounds but not the outside wounds.
"Could she wake up from that?" I asked.
"No." Shi said. "She lost alot of blood. She isnt supernatural."
"But she acts like one." Ikkaku said.
"Lets get her home." Hikari picked her up. Her long blonde hair draped down Hikaris' arm. I couldnt stop thinking what she did? Burned the hollow? I pushed the thought back and we ran back to the shop. Blood trickle down her arm down her fingers and drop to the ground. We burst through the door.
"What the hell happened!?" Renji said standing up.
"Ikkaku you hurt ur that bad!?" Yumichika said.
"No hollows. Idiot." He said. I saw Yoruichi looked at Kaia. Her eyes traveled down Kaias arm and saw the blood drip down to one spot.
"Come here." Yoruichi said and she stood up quickly and walked into a room. Orihime followed them.
"Ichigo." I heard my name being called.
"Mhm." I said looking at Urahara.
"Follow me." He said. We walked down the training room. He sat on the floor with a mat under him.
"What do you wanna talk about?" I questioned him.
"Do you feel weird? Powerful?" He asked crossing his arm.
"Why?" I asked.
"Answer the question." He stated. There was a silence between us until he broke it.
"Ichigo you could tell me anything you that right?" He said. I looked up at him. He had his cane across his lap.
"There..is something strange I feel with in myself." I said.
"Ahh." He nodded. "Explain?"
"Well when Im fighting and it comes to appoint where Im losing this hollow side comes out and its just....strange." I said.
"Ichigo you are half a hollow and half a soul reaper. Something similar to Kaia. Im not sure if you powerful than her hut very close." He said.
"This doesnt make any sense." I said standing up.
"Ill do information on this. Dont worry Ichigo. You'll be find." He touched my shoulder and we walked upstairs. I got into my gigai and walked home with Rukia.
~Kaias POV~
I woke up with a pain in my back. I was laying on my chest instead of my back. I looked around the room and I was laying on the floor of a room. I flinched of a pain shooting up my spine. I put my hand on the floor and lifted myself up. I try to ignore the pain.
"Kaia your not well enough to get up." A voice said that startled me. I looked to my left and saw Uryu. I closed my eyes and sat up.
"Are you ok?" He said coming closer to me. I nodded and scratched my for head.
"Yea. Getting better." I smiled a little to make him not worry. Honestly I wasnt. My back was killing me. My lower back felt numb.
"Ms. Kaia!" My giagi said. She ran into the room and hugged me. I screamed in pain.
"Im sorry!" She said pulling away instantly. I faintly smiled. My eyes were shut.
"What day is it?" I asked.
"Wednesday. I went to school for you." Bay said.
"How long was I out?" I asked.
"2 days." Uryu answered looking down at his bracelet.
"2 days!" I said shocked. I groaned with another stinging pain.
"Kaia." Someone said my name. I looked towards the door and Hikari, Dad, Yoruichi, and Toshiro.
"Finally your awake." Yoruichi said. Dad came closer to me and sat down. Toshiro went to the wall and leaned against it. Hikari went to my other side with Uryu.
"How you feeling?" Toshiro asked.
"Like a a thousand knives stabbed my back." I said not looking at him.
"Im really glad your ok." Hikari said toughing my arm. I looked at him and smiled.
"Kaia you have to be more careful. I gave you 15 seals. Honey I cant keep giving you more seals to protect you. This is serious." Dad said.
"Protect me from what? Arrancars? Aizen? Who is he?" I asked looking him straight in the eye.
"Yes arrancars. Aizen I cant tell you." He said.
"Who is he? Why are you guys keeping it from me?!" I shouted. I closed my eyes and took deep breath because I could feel my back getting worse.
"We have to discover that Kaia." Toshiro said.
"for now we need you to stay put and be safe." Uryu said. Everyone in the room agreed. I rolled my eyes. I stuggled to stand up.
"No your not well eno-" I cut off Yoruichi.
"No Im going to my room. The light is killing my eyes." I said. I limp all the way to my room with the help of Hikari and Bay. Bay got out of my giagi to rest. Hikari sat on my bed with me while I rested.
"How is Shi?" I asked.
"Hes sleeping but very worried about you." Hikari said playing with my hair. After a while I found my self drifted off to sleep.
"Night Beautiful." Hikari whispered in my ear and planted something warm on my cheek. A kiss. I smiled and then sleep took over me.

Strange One (Bleach Fanfic)
Fanfiction*Editing in progress* Everyone in Karakura Town and the soul society are happy. Doing there job. Especially the soul reapers. Ichigo Kurosaki protects his town. He isnt a soul reaper nor a human. But why is he doing this? He protects what he cares a...