~Uraharas POV~
We were in the training room talking to Kaia. Rangiku and Toshiro was asking her questions but she didnt reply. Kaia was zoned out. Seconds later Kaias spiriu pressure went up. No.
"Kaia whats going on?" I asked standing up. She did respond. Her eyes were closed. She wad shaking. Her temper and spiritual kept rising. Whats happening. Hikari and Shi came from behind us.
"Dammit." Shi said. He stoke Kaia but she grabbed his arm and through him. This isnt her.
"Kaia stop!" I shouted. I closed my eyes and start chanting. Toshiro and Rangiku tried to wake her up but she didnt budge.
"Kaia stop!" Hikari said. Him and Shi both tackled her to the wall. I finish chanting and spiritual chains were on her. It drained most of the rising energy.
"Wha-" She started then fainted into Shis' arms. I swallowed and stared at her. I looked at Hikari and Shi. Rangiku and Toshiro.
"What happened?" Rangiku asked.
"Thats what we need to find out." Toshiro said keeping his eyes on Kaia. Acouple hours past and we were upstairs sitting in the living room quietly waiting for Kaia to wake. Shi and Ichigo were down there.
"Hikari you been with her, her whole life, have you seen or felt something like this before?" Yumichika asked.
"No. All I know is shes gotten stronger from training. Shi might know." He said standing up. Then we felt a small spiritual pressure. We all stood up and ran into the training room.
"Im a monster. Stay away!" Kaia said back away from Ichigo and Shi.
"No baby you not a monster. Your just really strong." Shi walked alittle closer.
"No please dont come closer." Kaia said shaking.
"Kaia.." I said. She looked at me with those big bright res eyes like her mother. They were full of fear and concern. She doesnt wanna hurt us. I never seen her this way before.
"Kaia would you tell us whats going on?" Toshiro asked.
"Theres a full moon tonight. Please leave me alone. Dont come near me. Thats all Im asking." She answered.
"Does that have to do with a strange spiritual pressure you keep giving off?" He asked.
"N-no." She shake her head. She sat on a big rock. There was a silence. It lasted for a minute until Kaia spoke.
"It happened before I came to school. I had a vision. A vision where I saw a town destroyed. People fighting. I wasnt sure where. I was confused. Then I saw a person. I couldnt make out his face. It was strange. My zanpakuto were gone. They felt lifeless. No energy. No power. These visions make me feel.....different. I dont knkw whats going on or what they mean." She said playing with the chains she had on.
"How long did you have these visions?" I asked.
"Daily. School. Hear. Now." She said. She looked at me. I released the chains.
"No keep them on. I feel the moon." She said. I replaced the chains. She smiled.
"Were not sure whats going on. We will talk to the soul society about this soon. We first have to finish our job." Toshiro said. They left the room with Yumichika, Yoruichi, and the others. Shi, Hikari, Ichigo, and I were still down here.
"I feel like theres a meaning to these visions." She said softly.
"Maybe." I said. I walked over and kissed her for head. I walked upstairs to join the others.
~Kaias POV~
The room was silent. Ichigo was playing with rocks. Shi and Hikari were back in there shaft.
"Ichigo you should go." I said. My stomach growled quietly.
"Why?" He asked looking at me.
"Its dangerous." I said.
"I can handle it." He said standing up.
"Ichigo just leave. This isnt the time to comfort me. You could die." I said in a whisper at the last comment.
"What could be so bad?" He asked.
"Ichi-" I was cut iff my Hikari.
"Ichigo went the full moon is out she cant control herself. She wants to eat and destroy everything. Is in her blood. Its in her soul. We have to go." He said and pushed Ichigo out the room.
"Good luck baby. Dont hurt yourself." Shi kissed the top of my for head. Then they left. I put on the big heavy chains again. I perfectly placed them in the ground tightly. I sat down in the pit. Closed my eyes.
"You could control it right?" A voice said in front of me. My eyes shot open. It was me. My other half.
"Please go away. You cant be here." I said staring into her light blue eyes.
"Kaia you are 1 powerful soul reaper with 2 powerful powers. You could control hollows with your eyes. You can kill hollows with just on move. This could be a piece if cake." She said.
"Kaia you dont understand." I said.
"I am you. Of course I understand. Find the one thing that could help you." She disappeared. I felt the moon rise. I grabbed onto the chains. My fangs slid out of my gums. I growled.
"I am being control." I said softly. I roared. It shook the whole training room maybe the whole earth. Then the spiritual chains went to work. They were strong enough. My power outraged them. I broke them. I roared again. This is me.

Strange One (Bleach Fanfic)
Fanfiction*Editing in progress* Everyone in Karakura Town and the soul society are happy. Doing there job. Especially the soul reapers. Ichigo Kurosaki protects his town. He isnt a soul reaper nor a human. But why is he doing this? He protects what he cares a...