Chapter 61

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~Kaias POV~

"Wow its been a long time since Kenny had a good fight after Ichigo." Yachiru said in amazing watching Kenny fighting with Nnoitra. It still made me angry that he gets to fight him. I wanted to fight him and make him suffer for hurting Nel.

Reminds me, where is Nel? I looked around and spotted something small and green across the sand. I stood up from the sitting position I was in that was near Ichigo and began walking towards her.

"Where are you going?" Ichigo asked.

"To get Nel." I said. I sonido towards her and bent down next to her. She was sleeping peacefully. He knocked her out. I clutch my hand together controlling my anger. I looked at the cracked mask on her head.

"Your beautiful mask." I said as I tracing the crack. I picked up her small frail body and walked back to Ichigo. I placed her down. "Orihime can you heal her?" I asked looking at my orange hair friend. She smiled and nodded.

"Of course." She extended her orange barrier around Nel. A swift of rose filled my nose. The scent was barely noticeable. I sniffed the air and found myself standing in front of Ichigo.

"You sm-smell like him." I stated looking him straight in the eye. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What did you do?" I said.

"I smell like who?" He asked confused.

"Ulquiorra. Why do you smell like him?" I asked once again. He didnt say anything for a a moment.

"Oh yeah, we ment your boyfriend, he was friendly." Ichigo stated. I knitted my eye brows.

"Friendly? He kept his feelings?" My eyes widened.

"No. I was being sarcastic." Ichigo rolled his eyes. I felt an vein on my forehead. I was about to hit him in the head but there was a barrier between us.

"Anyways, we got into a fight if you didnt figure out yet." He said. I sat down and nodded. My stomach growled.

"You hungry princess? Explains it, you've been asleep for a long time." Shi said. I rolled my eyes.

'Dont make fun of me.' I said in my head. They chuckled but I ignored them. I watched as Kenny was getting his ass kicked. Nnoitra cut his chest throwing him backwards. Everything was dusty from the dust.

"Wow, that was easy." Nnoitra said with ease. I blinked acouple more times and sighed. "Now whos next, maybe you, you little brat." He said pointing his long weird sword at Yachiru. I stood up.

"I dont think thats a good idea." I said growling lowly.

"Kenny wouldnt like it if you touched me." Yachiru said in her kid voice.

"Oh, your still here, I thought you'd be gone by now." Nnoitra looked at with a wide evil grin.

"Why would I leave? Theres no where for me to go." I said. He shook his head.

"Nothing, now how about I kill you before the child." He said getting in a fighting stance in front of me.

"Kenny, how long are you gonna lay there? Cause if you dont get up, you battle will be over quickly." I said licking my lips. I heard him chuckle to himself.

"Not for long Nightmare, Im just think." He said finally getting up. Nnoitra turned around and glared at Kenny.

"Theres no end to you is there." He said and attacked Kenny again. What did he mean that Im still here? The only person that could know is him or.....Grimmjow. I turned around and faced where Grimmjow was. He was still laying there sleeping. What an idiot. I laughed to myself quietly and shook my head.

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