Chapter 4

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~Unknowns POV~

I was walking past the school heading towards the park. I was hungry. I havent eaten anything in 2 months and I have no money.

"Come on princess talk to him." Hikari said in my head.

"No I cant, hes gonna be mad at me. I doubt he misses me or even thinking about me." I said.

"Princess this is serious, you need food, drink. Plus I know he wont be mad. He helped you. Hes your father." Shi said.

"No Im not drinking. Thats why I was gone for 5 years to control myself." I said.

"Haha controlling yourself, You were hanging around with that boy." Shi said. I rolled my eyes.

"Thats not the poin-" I paused because I sense a hollow spiritaul pressure with 5 other more spiritaul pressures.

"This isnt good. Go talk to him." Hikari said. I didnt listen to him and ran towards the hollow. I have to help this soul. I cant stand her letting that hollow eat it. Plus having 5 strong spiritaul pressure here isnt good for me. 2 lieutenants, 2 strong fighters, and 1 captain.

I used flash step and carried the old man to safety. I stood in front of the hollow then sense the captains and one of the strong fighters spiritaul pressure. I stopped and turned my head and face them hiding behind a try. No matter how strong you hide your spiritaul pressure, I could smell you. I have a very strong nose.

I smiled and ran off.

"What? You just left like that? Why would you not kill that hollow?" Shi asked freaking out.

"Dont you smell it? Its the captain and a third seat fighter." Hikari said. I nodded and ran towards town and sat on a roof top. Hikari sat next to me.

"Talk to him." He said removing my hood showing my red eyes and moved a piece of air behind my ear. I stared into his blue eyes.

"I will later tonight. I need to find a place to sleep." I smiled and hugged him. He disappeared and I ran towards the forest. The woods thats far from the town but yet still close.

~Ichigos POV~

Toshiro and Ikkaku told us what happened at the park. So that strange girl I saw as a soul reaper? or something else that kills hollows. We walked out of school and headed towards Urahara Shop.

"Renji dont touch my hair like that!" Rukia said and hit Renji on the head. He had a big bump on his head and I laughed.

"Knock it off you too where here." Toshiro said with an annoyed face on.

"Come on captain cheer up no need to be all grumpy." Rangiku said. I opened the door to Urahara shop and saw laying down my Ururu was sweeping the floor.

"Jinta we have guest be polite." Ururu said. "Good evening Ichigo what can we do for you?" She bowed down.

"Ururu you dont have to do that its just me." I put my hand out to make her stop.

"Kisuke are you here?" Toshiro asked.

"Yes Im here what can I do for you Captain Histsugaya?" He asked still fanning himself with his green and white fan.

"We want to talk to you about something serious." I said looking him in the eye. He put his fan down and nodded.

"Ok follow me into my office." He walked and Tessai was standing there waiting for us to enter. "Tessai please make us some tea thank you." Tessai bowed and walked off.

"Kisuke do you know anything about this so called Nightmare?" Ikkaku asked. placing his wooden sword laying on his shoulder.

"Nightmare you saw?" He moved his hate again so we could see his face more.

"Yes, Captain Yamato told us to talk to you about it." Rangiku said.

"Well for starters shes a girl. She call her self nightmare. She reveals her true Identity to those she cal tell that are strong. She very powerful. She has the ability to hid her spiritual pressure. Shes very smart, she has a very keen noise. She has long blonde hair with bright red eyes that glow at night. People call her nightmare because she does stuff with her eyes that you could die from. She is special because she is a soul reaper and a hollow. She prefer to call her self or her kind a demon. She has 2 zanpakto a soul reaper one and a hell one." Kisuke descibed her. Was she the open who I saw those 2 times?

"Kisuke how do you know so much about her? Have you seen her?" Rukia asked. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Nightmare is........ shes my daughter." He finished his sentence.

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