Chapter 25

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I turned around and face Byakuya.

"What is your problem?" I asked looking at him while he had his eyes closed, arm crossed over his chest.

"Kai..." Shi touched my shoulder.

"No I want to know. I want to know why you randomly attacked me back there. I want to know why you have a grudge against me and my mother?" I asked shaking Shi off my shoulder.

"You dont talk to a captain like that." He started.

"Am I from the soul society? Am I in a sqaud? Do I have to listen to you? All these answers are no." I said griding my teeth.

"Kaia." Kage and Dad said. I looked at them. Hikari sat beside me touching my shoulder. He sent cool air through me. I closed my eyes breathing in and out.

"You want to know?" Byakuya started. "Before your mother had you. Or met Urahara she was a beast. A killer. A monster. She was a threat to the soul society. She was the most wanted and to be taking down. My wife and I-" He was cut off my Rukia.

"My sister." The room was quiet. My spiritual pressure wanted to rise but I couldnt find myself doing it.

"My wife and I were in a town looking for hollows and other important stuff for the soul society to exam. Back then new things were discovered and things got more intense. We walked into the woods and we saw something." Byakuya said looking at me. "Those big red eyes. Sitting on a tree branch with a person half dead with her. She smiled showing her bloody teeth and 2 sharp teeth we call fangs."

I pictured what he saw. My mother was young and reckless back then. She hadnt met Dad. If she did, the whole image of her would change.

~Third Person of View Byakuta Flash Back~

"Kurai." Hisana Byakuyas' wife said.

"Oh goody you found me." Kurai said. She was Kaias mother said. "Bad choice of coming here you know." She jumped off the branch leaving the limp body to slump on the ground.

"Why are you here?" Byakuya asked.

"Like I always do, have fun in the human world." Kurai laughed. She walked towards them.

"Stay back." Hisana shouted while taking out her zanpakuto.

"You should all leave before you regret it." Kurai said her lips formed a straight line. "Your spiritual pressure are to weak for me."

"If you sense our spiritual pressure then why didnt you leave or run away." Byakuya said walking behind Hisana touching her shoulder.

"Im done with running. I should just fit and destroy you all who every wants to challenge me." Kurai took out her zanpakuto. Byakuya and Hisana did the same and step back.

"You made a bad choice."  Kurai said again. The sky grew dark wide blew. Leaves and branches move around.

"Scatter Senbonzakura." Byakuya said. The blade of her zanpakuto disintegrate into cherry blossom pedals.

"Dance Sode No Shirayuki." Hisana said. Her blade with white as snow, a long strip of white ribbon was attach to the end of the zanpakuto.

"Impressive." Kurai said. Their wind was stronger than Kurai. The white fought with the black ora that the surrounding them. Kurai flash step behind Hisana she blocked her attack. Byakuya moved his cherry blossom pedals to hit Kurai. She got hit on her arm.

Kurai groaned and covered her cut with her left hand. She stood up and removed her left hand from her right arm. She stood up tall.

"Kage Gazo." Kurai said with her eys closed. The daylight fell and a big white full moon rise. It cast a shadow on Hisana and Byakuya. There shadows were tied together.

"I cant move!" Hisana shouted.

"Kage means shadow. He got his name for the shadows people have and slowly kill them. But for you I take it easy."  Kurai said smiling. She walked closer to Hisana.

"Stay away from her!" Byakuya shouted. The cherry blossom pedals attack Kurai and she fell back wards.

"You love her dont you." Kurai couched out blood. "I never say love in my life. Im sick of it." Kurai stood up. She walked over to Byakuya.

"She will pay the consequence." Kurai flashed her grin showing her fangs. She touched Hisana head.

"I give her nightmares, sickness, nothing that will help her. I can sense guilt in her blood." Hisana screamed. "You will live with this guilt for the rest of your life, well that should be ending soon." Kurai lift her hand from Hisanas' head and then blew red dust in her face.

"My power is to give curses to people. Live with the curse." Kurai laughed and walked away. She snapped her fingers and the shadow that was holding them down disappeared so did the darkness and the moon.

~Flash back end~

~Ichigos POV~

"A couple months later Hisana never had a good sleep. She had nightmares and was getting ill as time past. She told me she had a sister. And thats you Rukia." He looked at Rukia. She was shocked and frozen. I touched her shoulder and she tensed up and then relax.

"Her guilt was that she left you. She abandoned you. She never wanted me to tell you. She cant be called your sister after what she did. But all I know is she loved you very much." Rukia hugged Byakuya.

"Thank you Brother, Im sorry." She said.

"We are sorry Captain Kuchiki." Rangiku said. Kaia sat there frozen. She looked at her lap. Kage looked at her and rubbed her back.

"Im truly sorry." Kage said. "Being around you makes me remember what Ms. Tamashi done to her and you."

"If you know her as I did she wasnt like that." Kaia said in a small whisper. I felt something. The same place where Kaia and Byakuya fought. I heard a gasp. I look and saw Kaia. Her eyes were widened. Her facial expression was hard to read.

"Kaia dont." Shi, Kage, and Urahara said.

"Oh no." Hikari said. They all hugging her.

"Let me go!" Kaia said.

"Sleep." Shi said looking into her eyes. Kaia was strungling then slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Uryu, Orihime, Ichigo, and Chad go check that out." Urahara said. I nodded and got up. Byakuya and the others stayed. 

"Damn it." I said hollows and they were creeping around the shop. What is with them? 

"We got this go becareful." Rukia said. I nodded and I flashstep towards the feild. Uryu, Chad, and Orihime ran. What did Kaia see? What did she feel? This isnt good.

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