~Orihime POV~
I was walking home at night from the store. I was thinking of making tomato soup with my special toppings. Mmmm thats will taste yummy. To bad Toshiro and Rangiku isnt home today. They were staying out late with Urahara studying Kaia. Just knowing Kaia for a month she is pretty interesting. Knowing that Urahara is her father, the queen of hell is her mother. Shes a princess. A princess of hell. Thats pretty big.
I turned a corner to get to my apparentment. I was under a street light when all of a sudden the light turned off. I looked up and shurgged. Most of these street lights need to be changed. I took a step once I heard something. It was soft and muffly. I looked around and I didnt see anything. I hope it isnt a hollow. I walked forward then I heard something drop.
"Santen!" I shouted and from my pin in my hair a ray of light came out and flew in the sky. He was my attack pin. I have 2 other pins that would heal others and the others to block.
"Come on Orihime. Stop calling me in you are not in trouble." He sassed me giving me an additube.
"I-Im sorry Santen. I thought someone was there." I looked at the place where a trash can lid fell.
"Its just a little kitten." He said and return to my pin. I sighed. I continue walking until I felt something strong holding me inplace. I dropped my bag.
"Wh-" I said until I was held up to a building on my back. I opened one eye and saw a guy. The same guy that Ichigo was fighting.
"Y-You." I said. He opened his eyes. My hazel eyes locked into his amazing green eyes.
"You remember." He said stepping closer. I struggled to get lose but it didnt work. I called Santen but he wouldnt come out.
"Sorry Orihime we cant get out." He said in my head. My heart was racing. I was intouble. This guy is powerfully strong. I starting coughing because something was holding me by my neck.
"I could use you with something. There is something you could do that I need." He walked closer to me that I could feel his cool breathe against my skin.
"W-hat is that?" I shuttered from him close to me and how scared and fightened I was.
"We will leave tonight." He said with no exception. The air was still tough to breathe. He released me. I fell on my hands and knees and gasped for air.
"W-why tonight....I h-have school." I said looking up at him. His back was facing me.
"Because this is important than you pathetic little life." He turned around. Looking at his eyes its like hes looking into my heart and soul. There was a moment of silence. We just stared at each other.
"You have 5 hours. Here. You could say goodbye to 1 person and 1 person only. This bracelet will not let anyone see you." He showed me a bracelet and then it disappeared in thin air. I looked at my right wrist and the bracelet was placed on my wrist. How did he do that?
"See you in a few hours. Meet me in the field." He didnt look at me. He just disappeared. How does he do that. I have to saw goodbye to one person. What? Is this the end of me? No it cant. Ichigo would find me once I leave. I know he will. Once he says something he will keep a promise to that.
Who should I say goodbye too? Theres so many people. I got up and grabbed my stuff. I started walking home. I reached my appartment and luckily no one was home. I reached for the door knob but I tripped on my own foot and fell through the door.
"Ouch." I muttered. I could go through objects? It seems like Im ghost. I felt my things on the floor. I looked around the room. Im going to miss this place. Wait, Im coming back. Why and I saying ot talking like I am leaving forever. I shook my head and walk out the door. There is one thing and one person on my mind I need to see and talk to.
I walked towards the appartment. I looked up at the window that was open. The half moon appeared in the window. I sighed. I walked to the latter that leads to that window. I touched it and I could feel the cold iron against my warm skin. I closed my eyes and climbed up the latter step by step. I reached the window. I peered in. I touched my hand on the glass and walked through the glass. I stepped on the floor and looked around. I saw him sleeping.
My heart ached for leaving him. But I know he would always understand. I walked over to his bed. He looked peaceful laying there. Sleeping. His arm was wrapped. He look beaten up.
"Ichigo. I know you cant hear me or see me but....this isnt goodbye. I know you dont know whats going on our why this is happening for crying out loud you dont know that Im doing this. I know you would find me again. I believe in you Ichigo. If everyone gives us I donbt want you to. This isnt goodbye Ichigo....this is...see you soon." I touched his hand. I could feel his warm hand in mine. I looked at how handsome he looks at night. I admire all the curves on his face.
I leaned in towards his lips. I was an inch away from kissing him when I pulled back. Tears filled my vision.
"Look at me. Even though Im gonna be gone for who knows how long I cant even take a big step like this before leaving." Tears rolled down my cheek. I chuckled and let the tears drip.
"Please dont give up on me Ichigo." I said and closed my eyes. I stood up and slowly walked out the window again. I walked along the dark road towards the field. I though about my friends, Ichigo, Rukia, Uryu, Kaia, Renji, Urahara, Chad, Rangiku, and a bunch more. Before I knew it I was walking on the field. The wind blew gently making the grass sway to the left.
"Didnt expect you to be here so early." The cold voice said. I stood still but didnt look up.
"I couldnt bare to stand and watch them wake up. Lets just go." I said. My voice was different. It didnt sound like the light, happy, and innocent Orihime I was. He didnt say anything. He took my arm which made me look up. I saw this big eye ball shape that was pitch black. I took a deep breath. Here we go.

Strange One (Bleach Fanfic)
Fanfiction*Editing in progress* Everyone in Karakura Town and the soul society are happy. Doing there job. Especially the soul reapers. Ichigo Kurosaki protects his town. He isnt a soul reaper nor a human. But why is he doing this? He protects what he cares a...