Chapter 24

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I dodged a couole attacks by a big pile of cherry blossom pedals. I landed on the ground panting.

"Very impressive for a little girl." A male voice said. I looked around and saw no one. I stood up and the jump while another pile attacked from above and hears wind movement from behind me. The cherry pedals hovered over me. I closed my eyes and waited for the million cuts around me. Instead I saw a light blue orb around me and cherry pedals hitting agains it.

"What?" I asked myself.

"Power of light." Hikari said. I closed my eyes and pressed my ands together. The felt power flow around me. I opened my eyes and extended my arm. The orb vanished pushing forceful wind making the cherry pedals flew away. I flash step towards the small spiritual pressure I felt near me. It disappeared so I stood on a branch near me. I sniffed the air. I caught a light fresh scent with cherry. I opened my eyes and flash step towards the other side of the field. I pulled out Hikari and hit him. I saw a guy wearing a white cloak with black hair that was above his shoulders.

"Who the hell are you!?" I shouted. His face was hidden behind his cloak. Out zanpakuto touched and made sparks. He looked familiar. He smiled.

"Wow you grown." He said. I pushed off of him and jumped back. I landed on my foot and look at him. My black shirt that show my belly button and long baggy black pants moved with the wind. He took off the cloak revealing his face. My eyes widened.

"The famous Nightmare we heard in the soul society. I cant believe Captain Hitsugaya hadnt came home yet." He said with his eyes.

"B-Byakuya." I said stunned.

"Its Captain Kuchiki to you." He said looking at me. My eyes were still widen. He moved his hand in the air. I jumped because I heard wind movement above me. I jump towards him and our zanpakuto collided.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"You dont remember done you." He said. Tiny little knives felt like it was stabbing my back. My wound felt like it was about to re-open.

"Remember what? Ive done nothing to you." I said jumping back. Move pedals form above me. It crushed me. I screamed.

"Wow you are not smart as I thought." He said. I strugged getting up from the ground. I open my hand and a big ball of white light shot out.

It hit him and he flew backwards. I manage to stand on my feet.

"What do you want from me?!" I shout from him. "I thought were in the same side! I mean no harm to you!"

He stood up flash step away from me. He appeared behind me. I flash step away from him. I jump from side to said. I forgot he was fast. Faster than the other soul reapers.

"Your mother never said anything to you havent she?" He asked. I felt myself getting angry. Anger bubbled inside of me.

"Not bring my mother into this. You dont know her!" I hissed at him. I kicked him from side to side and hit him with my white light in the stomach. He fell to the floor on his hands and knees couching out blood.

"Your mother is the cost of this." He growled.

"She done nothing!" I shouted. I flash step and he disappeared having his cherry blossom block my attack.

"Calm down." Hikari said.

"He talked about my mother!" I shouted. I smelled blood drip above me. I flash step behind him. I kicked him and our swords collided once more.

"Your mother is a beast. Just like you!" He said calmly. He jumped back and closed his eyes and around us went black.

"My mother is not a beast! You bastard." I gowled and attacked him. He dodged the attack.

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