~Ichigos POV~
After defeating that weird 3 digit ranked espada I left that place. I was running down the hall towards a room up ahead.
"Itigo can Nel have a horsey back ride?" Nel said in her baby voice. I groaned.
"No Nel this isnt the time to mess around." I said with an annoyed look on my face. I could feel the others spiritual pressure. Rukia was fighting a very strong arrancar. Damn it dont die Ruki-. I stop thinking once I couldnt feel her spiritual pressure anymore. No Rukia you cant lose.
"Itigo your hurting me." Nel choked out. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down at Nel. I losened my grip around her.
"Oops sorry Nel." I said.
"Itigo.." She said then stopped talking.
"Nel what?! Im sorry! Please be ok!" I said while laying her on the ground. She was so small and light I didnt know I was carrying her.
"Theres one thing...Itigo." She said out of breathe.
"What is that?" I asked looking down at her with hope.
"Piggy back ride?" She spoke. I sighed.
"YAY!" She jumped up in the air. I picked her up and sensed something strong. It was Chads spiritual pressure. I didnt realize Chad had that much power, or was it the opponents spiritual pressure?
I placed Nel on my neck and started running. I have to try to try to find Orihime. I have to save her then go back to Karakura Town and papare myself for the up coming fight.
"Faster! Faster!" Nel shouted while laughing. I groaned and had an annoyed look on my face.
"Im never having kids." I said quietly. Nel just laughed. We were have way running down the corridor when my next started to hurt. I stopped and took Nel off. She pouted and threw a fit. I ignored her and continue running. We went through this dark room. I was almost out when a door opened from the top. I stopped and turned around.
"Who are you?" I asked standing up straight catching my breathe. He didnt say anything. He was tall almost my height wearing a white jacket and pants with black outline. I guess black and white were there signature colors. He had black hair, simular hair style like Rukias but his was lose and spiky. He also had a hollow mask sitting on the left side of his head.
"Ichigo Kurosaki intruder. Am I right?" His voice was so plain and dull. No emotion. Just blank. It sent shivers down my spine because of its dullness.
"How do you know me? Who are you?" I asked facing him.
"Itigo I think we should go." Nel asked shivering. I gave her a confused look.
"You dont need to know. Im assigned to kill you." He said as he stood still facing me. The staircase he just walked down were long. It was probably atleast 20 or more steps.
"I dont have time to fight. I have a places to be and I dont need distractions in my way." I said and turned around about to run when what he said struck me. I felt anger fulled me. After that fight with the weird guy, Im tired out.
"What happen if I said I was the one that took that girl." He said. The way he said 'that girl' he said it with vemon in his words.
I dropped Nel and flash step towards him.
"Im going at this guy with everything I've got." I said letting my reiatsu out. It was stronger than before. I looked ahead and brought Zangetsu over my shoulder. "Getsuga Tensho!" I shouted while bringing my zanpakuto down while black and red light came out of the blade.

Strange One (Bleach Fanfic)
Fanfiction*Editing in progress* Everyone in Karakura Town and the soul society are happy. Doing there job. Especially the soul reapers. Ichigo Kurosaki protects his town. He isnt a soul reaper nor a human. But why is he doing this? He protects what he cares a...