~Urahara POV~
After explaining everything to them about Nightmare and her history. They still havent know her real name yet. I wont share her name until she is here. Even if I havent seen her for 5 years I know shes strong and alive. I was drinking tea with Tessai. Its probably around midnight.
"Urahara so you told Ichigo and the others about her didnt you." Yoruichi said walking into the room sitting down next to me.
"Yea they deserve to know because Yamato looked it up." I said looking at her. "Well Toshiro and the others came here to look for information. I have to give them the answered to there questions."
"True." She smirked and drank some tea.
"Urahara you have a visiter." I heard Jinta said in the shop. Why would someone come here are midnight? Maybe Ichigo has to ask something again. I groaned.
"Send 'em in here." I called back.
~Unknowns POV~
It was sometime at night. I woke up on a branch was something rustling in the bush underneath the tree. I opened my eyes and looked down. I saw a cat roaming around. I sighed thank god it wasnt someone who found me. I stood up and stretched out my body. My chains hit each other making noise and scaring away the cat.
"Ouch my neck hurts." I touched my neck and moved it around. My stomach ached. It growled. I was extremely hungry.
"Do you want me to massage you neck for you?" Hikari asked.
"No Hikari its fine." I said and jumped form branch to branch getting out of the forest.
"Remember to talk to him. I dont think you could stand this hungry feeling anymore." Shi said.
"Yea, yea I know Im heading there now." I jumped on the ground and ran towards the shop. All you could here was my chains rattling and crickets chirping or whatever they do. I stopped when I saw the shop in sight. I sense the spiritual pressure in there. 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 2 third seats, a strange spiritual pressure I cant remember and an original soul reaper. I jumped to the nearest tree and watched or listened.
What looked like 5 minutes they all came out. I hid my spiritual pressure to make sure they didnt sense me. Exspecially boy and the captain. I looked closely and they all looked familiar except for the orange hair dude.
I let them walked away and waited for 10 minutes. The longest 10 mintues of my life. I hoppe down and my stomache twisted and turned. I coughed up.....blood? I whipped my mouth with the back of my hand. I looked at it. It was blood. My blood. I whipped it off on my cloak and walked towards the shop doors. I stayed quiet as possible. I knocked on the door hoping that Urahara doesnt answer.
The door opened and a fimiliar red head boy answered. I smiled at him but he couldnt see.
"Sorry lady were clos-" He looked at me some more then his eyes widened. He remember. Thank god he hadnt forgot about me. Then Ururu came out.
"Jinta, the store is closed." She said then looked at me. I smiled on how much they have grown. She smiled and tears formed in her eyes.
"Urahara you have a visiter." Jinta said letting me into the shop. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and walked in.
"Send 'em in here." The voice I havent heard of in so long. The voice I have missed so much. Urahara. I inhaled the scent and see who else was her. Yoruichi. I miss that cat. I slowly walked towards the room where his voice came from. I closed my eyes and slowly reached for the door. My hands were trembling. Was he mad at me? Will he yell? Will he be happy? All these questions ran through my head.
"You'll be fine. He wont be mad." Shi said. I smiled to myself. 'I hope so.' I said in my head. Here goes nothing. I slide the wooden door that revealed a bright light shining from that room. I looked around the room. This place hadnt changed. My eyes landed on Urahara. He was still wearing that green and white hat. His eyes were closed.
'Should I say something?' I asked in my head.
"Yes." They both said back.
"Hi." I said softly. Which made his eyes opened and Yoruichi and his head turned towards me. I took off my hood that revealed my red eyes.
"Kaia." Yoruichi said. Urahara was frozen. His eyes were huge. He didnt say anything.
"Daddy?" I said stepping closer. He stood up and engulfing me in a hug. I hugged him back and buried my head in my soft rob.
"I misses you so much." He whispered in my ear.
"I missed you to Daddy." I smiled to myself. He wasnt mad at me thank god. We pulled away.
"You look differnt." He said. I took off my cloak showing my red hell dress with my zanpakto and chains.
"Your eye." Yoruichi pointed out. My left eye had a tattoo or design that looked like a lighting below and above it. The chains started from my left arm wrapping up around my my neck and doen towards my waist and attached to my zanpakuto. My stomach twisted again making me fall to my knees. I feel so weak.
"Kaia whats wrong?" Dad asked coming to my side.
"Hungry." I said. "Tessai get me a medium raw steak with alot of rice please."
"Damn girl." Yoruichi said. I smiled and got up.
"Where were you for the past 5 years?" Dad asked.
"I will tell you later. Let me take a bath." I walked towards the bathroom and took off my chains and dress. I turned in the water and filled up the tub. I hopped in and let the warm refreshing water brush against my skin. Im finally home.
I got out and got dressed. I changed into comfortable shirt and pants. I grabbed my zanpakuto and walked into my pitched black room and set them on the table.
"Your leaving us alone in the room?" Shi asked coming towards the light. You could see his bright golden eyes glow in the dark.
"Hikari and Shi come meet my dad." I said and walked out. I walked back into the room. My food was ready on the table. My eyes lit up light christmas lights. I sat down and started scrafing down the food.
"You eat just like Yoruichi." Dad said chuckling a little bit. Yoruichi slapped his arm. I smiled and swallowed.
"Dad, Yoruichi well maybe you remember this is Hikari Seishin," I pointed at my soul reaper zanpakuto. "And this is Shi Korosu." I pointed at my hell zanpakuto. They said there hellos.
"They can stay like this?" Yoruichi asked,
"Yup for a good amount of time. Theys one of there abilities." I smiled and they nodded.
"Princess here is grumpy while we come out without permisson and its cute when she gets mad." Shi leaned in and tapped my noise. I closed my eyes and elbowed him.
"Yes they are huge flirts." I smiled. They went back to zanpakuto form.
"So would you tell us, what happened? You changed." Dad said.
"I was gone for 5 years to control myself and make my demon side stronger. In the process I got this tattoo and the chains." I explained. all night we talked on how I changed and how strong I become.
"Tomorrow lets put your strengh to a test." Dad smirked.
"Yea later." I rolled my eyes.
"in a week or so your starting school and Im making you a gigai." Dad said.
"Ugh! And make my gigai not have this tattoo." I pointed at my eye. He nodded.
"Night you too. Dont BOTHER me when Im SLEEPING. I havent had good sleep for 2 months." I walked off. I crawled into my soft bed and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Strange One (Bleach Fanfic)
Fanfiction*Editing in progress* Everyone in Karakura Town and the soul society are happy. Doing there job. Especially the soul reapers. Ichigo Kurosaki protects his town. He isnt a soul reaper nor a human. But why is he doing this? He protects what he cares a...