~Kaias POV~
I walked out of the room with my bag over my shoulder and a couple books in my hands. I walked into the living room and Dad and Yoruichi was sitting down.
"Where'd he go?" I asked looking around.
"Back to work and Ichigo went to get ready for school." Dad said drinking tea. I sat down and but on my boots. I zipper up the sides and then another vision came into my mind.
I was standing on a cliff. Wind blowing. My long blonde hair was flowing to my left side. The view i was looking at looked destroyed. Everything wrecked. Burned. The sky was gray and cloudy. People were fighting. Whats going on? I asked myself. I then felt something strange. I turned around and saw a tall black figure standing a few feet away from me. I could see his face. I only saw the figure if him.
I reach for my zanpakuto but once I touched them they felt....dull. Empty. Drained. I looked at them. They werent glowing. They didnt send me small little power knowing we were in this together. I looked up and the black figure was gone. I couldnt feel or see him anywhere. I then heard a small touch of a branch and blacked his attack with my dull and life less zanpakuto against his hard blow at me. It was foggy and dark. I coulnt see him face.
"Why?" Was all he said. I then felt myself fall into something deep and dark.
I gasped. I looked around the room and I was still in the shop.
"Kaia are you alright?" Yoruichi asked.
"You spiritual pressure raised like before. Whats going on?" Dad asked. I shook the vision out of my head. I cleared my throat.
"Nothing. I gotta go." I said and walked out into the bright and sunny day. Where are these vision coming from? I havent seen visions like that before. Yet I havent had a vision before. I walked through the big school doors. I walked towards my class room.
"Kaia your late." The teacher said.
"My apologize ma'am." I bowed.
"Mhm sit and get notes from someone." She said and I sat at my seat next to Uryu. I got notes from him. School was slow. I was heading to gym by myself.
"Kaia wait up!" I heard my name be called behind me. I turned around. I saw a orange hair girl running towards me with a girl running behind her.
"Hi Orihime. Whats going on?" I asked smiling at her.
"Were going to gym so lets go together." She did her friendly smile that brightens everyones day. That smile could make someone happy with out saying anything. I smiled back.
"Kaia this is Tatsuki." She introduced me to her friend. I waved. We got dressed for gym. All I could think about during gym class was what was about the vision I had earlier. What did they mean? Was something telling me something? Was this the future? I really hope not. Maybe I was day dreaming. But if I was day dreaming I wouldnt dream about that.
'Hikari, Shi do you know anything about this?' I said in my head making sure no one heard me if I said that out loud.
"Were not sure. We havent seen anything like this." Hikari said. I nodded. Shi didnt say anything. I was assuming he was healing from what I did to him earlier. If felt really bad. I love my zanpakuto and wouldnt do anything to hurt them. But they risk there lives for me. I felt happy and sad at the same time. I dont know why they go through the trouble to help me.
"Kaia." Someone said my name and touched my shoulder. I was scared. I was shocked. I quickly turned around and grabbed his hand and was about to flip him but I stopped to know who it was. It was Toshiro. I sighed in relief.
"You've been jumpy lately are you ok?" He asked while raising an eyebrow. I swallowed and nodded.
"Yea Im ok." I said and put on a small smiled and we walked to gym. I walked over to the other girls. Toshiro went to Ichigo and the other guys. He was leaning against the fence. We had to run this stupid track or field. It was ok with me because I run alot.
"So whats going on between you and Ichigo?" Orihime asked me.
"Nothing. Why?" I asked looking at her.
"Just asking because he was always with you." She said looking down. I know what she was asking me. She was asking me or trying to tell me if I liked Ichigo.
"Orihime, I dont like Ichigo. You already know I have a boyfriend." I said. Then all of a sudden the would place looks dull, gray. I looked around and everything was in slow motion. What? I spotted a black figure a couple feet away from the entrance of the track.
"Run." He said. He said it so softly that no one would hear but my keen hearing I heard him loud and clear.
"What?" I asked then he disappeared and everything was back to normal. The whistle blew in my ear and I flinched.
"Urahara stop staring start running!" Coach said. I was getting angry. I closed my eyes and took deep breath. He blew the whistle again. This stupid whistle. I opened my eyes and was about to charge again but then someone stopped me.
"Kaia leave it alone and run." Ikkaku said in my ear. I sighed and nodded. I turned around and ran.
School was finally over. I gathered my books and was about to leave the class room someone stood in front of me.
"Where are you going?" Renji asked.
"For a walk." I said and walked past him. He caught up to me again.
"Its dangerous for you out there." He said. I stopped and faced him.
"Renji I can take care of myself." I said growling lowly.
"Kaia." Ichigo touched my shoulder.
"Dont touch me!" I snapped and ran out of the school. These stupid human lungs and legs. I was losing breath quickly. I swallowed a mod soul.
"Ms. Kaia how may I help you." My mod soul asked me.
"Dont go home until 1 hour. Stop by the store to buy heavy strong chains. Take care of my body." I said. She nodded and I flash step towards the woods. I stopped at the entrance and walked in.
"Why need chains babe?" Shi asked.
'Yay! You talked. I was worried, and because of tomorrows a full moon.' I said in my head. I smiled of hearing his voice again.
"Oh yea. Becareful." Hikari said. I nodded and jumped from tree to tree. I saw a little girl sitting against a tree stump. She was a soul picking flowers.
"Hey." I said walking up to her. She looked up and drop her flower and took a step back.
"No please do hurt me." She said and tripped over a tree branch.
"Im not gonna hurt you." I said walking a little closer to her. I sense a hollow near by. "You have to go to the soul society." I said and pulled out Hikari.
"No dont hurt me!" She shield herself. I toughed her for head.
"Pass on little on. They will take care of you." I smiled and she smiled in returned. The blue light revolved around her and she turned into a butterfly and flew up. I felt the hollow spiritual vanish. I then saw a pink pedal fall from the sky. Cherry blossom pedals?

Strange One (Bleach Fanfic)
Fanfiction*Editing in progress* Everyone in Karakura Town and the soul society are happy. Doing there job. Especially the soul reapers. Ichigo Kurosaki protects his town. He isnt a soul reaper nor a human. But why is he doing this? He protects what he cares a...