Chapter 15: Thoughts about the truce.

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((Okay, I've seen a certain video that pissed me off. It looks like the that video is for a war. Let's all agree, we like NightKiller too, right? Right.

We like cringe stuff to make ourselves suffer but in a fun way, right? Right. We're all weird, right? Right. We have our own opinion. Favorite color that seems lifeless but also full of joy, right? Right.

This is thing piss me off. It's like they want to start a war. I would gladly like to start it with roasting, though we don't want a war between ships, we don't want the creators to get involved to this due to the toxicness of the fans.

So you whos reading this and haven't watched this yet. Report this. We need to take this video down. It's too much of a hurtfull speech.

That's all for my small rant. Please do consider report that video.



rd person's POV

"Wait... So you planned a truce?" Ink asked as Error was getting annoyed, "No I dId NoT-" Error said, as Cherry was about to protest, but got wrapped in strings and got pulled up in the sea of strings with Chaos, this is the moment the Charas had their creepy smiles and was about to shout.

But there's one thing that cut them off from shouting. Error can't tie them all up at once without them saying anything, but he was smart enough to remember one thing they love.

In the middle of the crowds of alternative Charas, a piece of chocolate and a bloody red knife was hung in a string. "YoU wAnT tHiS?"

They nodded, as Error grinned. "Go GeT tHeM." Error controlled the strings as it led all of them far from sight. Since it was an endless void, he figured he can lost them for now. Even Chaos and Cherry was let go to follow the chocolate and the knife. They would probably fight for it.

Though, there was one who wasn't affected, "I'm still here." Frisk stated, as Error looked at her. "CaRlOs WaS tHe oNe wHo aTe yOuR pIe anD cAlLed ThEm TrAsH." This triggered Frisk and immediately followed them.

"AnD aS fOr YoU." Error faced Ink. "StAy oUT." Error then summoned a portal under Ink where he stood, making him dropped as he got back from OuterTale.

"INK! THERE YOU ARE! We've been looking for you." Blue exclaimed as he rushed to Ink, as so did Dream. Nightmare was out of sight, meaning he had already left. "Uh, yeah..." Ink hummed, "Where we're you?" Dream asked as Ink thought for a bit. "At.... I forgot-" Ink said, as Dream sigh.

"But I-. . . . I forgot what I was gonna say." Ink muttered, "It's okay, atleast your fine." Dream hummed, as he helped Ink stood up since he was sitting on the ground from the fall.

"I think we should get going now." Blue suggested, as the two guardian agreed, teleporting back to their base.

"Brah. Why'd didn't you tell him about the truce?" Fresh suddenly appeared, "FiRsT oF AlL, ThE tRuCe wAsN't mY pLaN. It WaS yOuRs AnD tHoSe dEmOn ChiLdReN." Error stated. "Still bruh. It's a good idea y'know." Fresh replied as Error groaned.

"YoU sEe WhY i DiDn'T aSk? BeCaUse tHaT nIgHtMaRe AnD hIs gAnG nEeDs mE tO DesTrOy. AnD wHaT eLsE cAn I dO bEsIdeS kNiTtInG anD sTaRgAzInG?" Error explained, as Fresh then hummed. "Well... Ya do have a point there, broski. Well how ab--" Fresh was cut off as his phone rang. Checking it as he stared at it for a moment.

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