❇༺◆Special Happy (LATE) Birthday Chapter◆༻❇

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((ahh, fuck-- I almost forgot his birthday today. Anyways, to meh favorite glitchy uwu.

I shall greet him with a chapter :'D

Also picture above is from Nightmare_RiSA from twitter!

Hope y'all enjoy!))

Error's POV

I sigh at as I was again left in the Anti-void. Everyone has been busy for the past week, they don't tell me where they go, or what'll they do. They just left.

I then sat up properly on my bean bag, ' I'll probably just watch Undernovela... ' I thought to myself as I summoned a small window portal, only to see that the show is cancelled. I looked in disbelief and annoyance.

' On this fucking day. What could get worst today. ' I thought as I grumbled, standing up. ' Might as well visit Nightmare. ' I said to myself as I then opened a portal to Nightmare's Castle, manor or fortress, what ever he calls this place.

As I was about to walk in, I heard shuffling inside. I got suspicious, as I slowly retreated back, ' Maybe... They're also busy... I have nothing to do with them anyways. ' I thought to myself.

Before I could leave, I felt a sting on my neck. Felt like a needle piercing through my bone as I felt weak. ' the fuck was that... It better not be another prank. ' I groaned as I then looked around. No one seemed to be around, it's somewhat unusual how the castle is dead quiet. Too quiet.

Not even a moment later I blacked out, then felt someone behind me, as some mumbles started to be heard, rather I can't seem to know who the voices belong to, though they are familiar. Before I could know who it was, I fell completely limp and blacked out completely

I then slowly woke up but I see nothing, I tried to move my hands, but they we're tied together on my back, as I realized my socket was blindfolded. I seemed to be sitting on a chair. I hear shifting and shuffling around,

Carefully, I felt someone stood me up, but not saying a word. "WhO aRe yOu?" I asked, they only snickered, as got more suspicious.

3rd person's POV.

As Error was being guided carefully with the mysterious person, a door squeaked was heard, seemingly opening a quite large door.

They kept walking as soon then came to a stop, the mysterious person then cut off the rope that was holding Error's wrist together. "Look around, Ruru~" a familiar voice was heard.

Error was still suspicious about it, then slowly removing the blindfold. But the first thing he still saw is darkness, a very dark room to be exact.

Then the lights flickered on,


Error jumped as he looked around to see the Charas, the gang, his friends and all. Error glitched badly as he saw almost everyone he met in a large room.

The room was full of colorful decorations around, but mostly plain colors.

Then came out no where was Ink, "Happy birthday, Ruru!" Ink snickered as he could see how badly Error glitching is. "Calm down, glitchy. Don't ruin the fun by crashing.

Coincidentally, after Ink said that, he crashed on the spot.

Everyone was silent, before either laughing, chuckling, snickering, snorts and giggles. Error wasn't the type be a friendly person,

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