Chapter 22: Dinner invitation

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Sorry for the very long post uwu.))

3rd person's POV

Error we just sitting on his bean bag, he had been, he had been thinking about the dream he had, or as he likes to prefer it a nightmare. He wanted to confront Nightmare, but at the same time, it felt like a dream to him. So if he did say something to him without hesitation, he's sure that Goopy bastard would have teased him.

Although, he was confused. He wanted to prefer it as a nightmare, but it wasn't scary, sad, nor anything that could negatively make it a nightmare, besides he was blushing about it.

Error shook that thought away, blushing is only sign of embarrassment for him, nothing else. Not liking to admit bring flustered from just a mere dream.

He just sighed as he looked around, only a few of the demon children we're there. The others are probably in their own AUs. He was bored, he doesn't want to sleep nor take nap, possibility of dreaming about kissing Ink again, also weary if Nightmare is watching his dream. That octopus has some hobbies of watching other's dream and make fun about them for having weird, and ridiculous dream, which pissed him off honestly.

' If I only knew that bastard's secret '

He thought as he tsked. After awhile of zoning out, he decided he wanted to go to OuterTale. There was no time in the Anti-void, due to being only a blank endless space of void. Resulting to confuse him sometimes if it was breakfast, lunch or dinner. Either way, he'll get called in by Nightmare's gang to eat since they treat him as one of the family too, just not much in the castle due to all the noises, and destruction that disturb his sleep, and sometimes crashes due to someone getting thrown on him resulting of physical touch, which he despised the most.

But before that, a small window portal appeared above him, as seemingly a letter fell down on his skull as the window portal closed.

Error looked at the letter as he took it, opening the letter as he took out the paper inside, folding it open as he read what's inside

' Error! It's me, Ink! Me and my friend Dream and Blue decided to invite you to our dinner. Please do bring your er... Children? Precisely the demon children with you. We would like to have conversations with them too, they're quite adorable.

If you decline, well that's alright! We're not forcing you for it's your decision. It's just a friendly invitation so we could be your friends.

~signed, Ink!
P.S. I would consider being friends with me, please consider it (✯ᴗ✯)'

The note said

Error looked at the at letter, first in confusion. Did he forget about his haphephobia? Second in disbelief, like hell he would come, but Ink is Ink, taking any chances he could. Honestly he was surprised to himself to be in disbelief to Ink's normal behavior. Not like he cared anyways.

He then sighed, and then looked at the others. "HoI. Do YoU wAnT To HaVe a DiNnEr WiTh InK AnD hIs FrIeNds?" Error asked as the remaining Charas looked at him. "Can we....?" Pluto then asked, not really getting invited to dinner much as this was a surprised to her.

"I mEaN... Do YoU nOt WaNt tO?" He asked, as they immediately shook their head. "No! We want to go!" Cherry exclaimed, as the rest agreed. Error looked at them, it was only Cherry, Pluto, Heart, and Chaos. The others we're in their AU having something important to attend to, either causing a genocide or something else other than genocide.

"AlRiGhT tHeN, bUt I ThInK hE fOrGoT tHaT ThERe'S nO TiMeZoNe hErE." Error stated, it didn't even say when and where the dinner occurs. Which just fraustrated him. The time where he already just once consider to join, just made it worst the fact he doesn't know when and where it is. "Well can't you just send him a letter when and where?" Heart then asked, as Error looked at her in disbelief. "I dOn'T eVeN kNoW wHerE tHe DiNnEr OcCuRs. HoW wOuLd I kNoW whErE ThEiR LoCatIoN iS?" He stated, as Heart just hummed in respond.

"I mean.... Doesn't Killer know everything? You basically rant about it to us." Chaos said, remembering about it. "Oh right! And even the time when you said you had us and the puppets! Even though you never talked about us nor your puppet and we're only a secret. But I do wonder how he knew about us being with you all the time though..." Heart then said,

"YeAh... BuT I dOn'T KnOw HoW hE cAn HeLp ThOuGh. ThOuGh... I dO kNoW a PerSoN wHo cAn HelP uS..." Error said, then opening a small window portal. "HeYa." Error greeted as 404 looked at him. "Hello, Error. Do you need something?" He greeted, then asked. "WeLl, KinDa. CaN yOu CaLl BiLl?" Error asked, as 404 looked at him in confusion, "Why?" He asked. "WeLl InK iNvItEd Me To a DiNnEr anD tHe kIddOs WaNts To Go. BuT he DiDn'T pUt wHeRe anD whEn ThE dInnEr OccUrS, SinCe ThErE's nO tImE in ThE AnTi-Void." Error explained. "Okay.... But why are you going to me?" 404 asked, as Error rose a non-existent brow. "Aren't you two, together?" He asked as 404 blushed madly. "W-W3 a®3 Π0 $U©# 7#1Ñ6!" 404 exclaimed,

"RiIiiGhT..... AnYwAyS, I kNoW yOu HaVe cOnTaCt Of Him, i dOn'T kNoW wHo ElSe hAve CoNtaCts wiTh Him ExcEpt yoU, sO a LiTtLe hElP?" Error asked as 404 huffed, calming his blush down, "Whatever...." 404 muttered as he then took out his phone, dialing a number as he put it in speaker. No surprise as Bill answered in a few seconds.


"Where does Ink live?" 404 wasted no time, not even wanting to contact him at the first place.

"Er... Why?" Bill asked.

"Doesn't matter why. I have businesses, now tell me." 404 stated,

"Well... He's mostly at the doodlesphere working, but he lives in the Star Sanses' base in the Omega Timeline--" Just as Bill said that, he heard the phone beeping as 404 hung up.

"You heard him, now go." 404 stated as Error nodded. "ThAnkS." Error said, closing the window portal as he then faced the girls. "WeLl, I GueSs We  cOuLd CheCk If It'S NiGhT ThErE AlReaDy." Error stated as he opened a portal to the Omega Timeline, entering as the 4 followed him. Looking around. It was around sunset already, so it's precisely they're preparing or already prepared.

Error walked around, Pluto was holding his scarf and the other held hands with Pluto so they won't get seperated. Error didn't mind, he kept looking and walking around.

"Hm.... Do you think Error would come?" Ink asked, seeing it was sunset already. "Did you send him the invite?" Dream asked, "Well yeah. I did..." Ink said, "What did you say to the invite?" Blue then asked.

"Well... Basically I asked him to come to dinner with us." Ink chirped. "And...?" Ink blinked as he looked at Dream. "What do you mean 'And'?" He asked as Dream and Blue blinked. "The address? The time and date?" Blue said, Ink pause.... "......"

"You forgot, didn't you?" Dream sighed, he wouldn't be surprised now as Ink laughed nervously. "I'm gonna go tell him--" He said, but just as he was about to grab Broomie, a glitchy portal opened and came along 4 demon children.... "Error! You came!" Ink exclaimed, immediately forgetting what just happened. "I mAnAgE SiNcE yOu dIdN't TeLl Me WhEn AnD WhErE." Error stated. Dream looked at the 5... "Only 5 of you?" He asked. "WeLl.... ThE oThErS aRe hAvInG a GeNoCiDe anD sOmE saId ThEY wE'rE SiCk." Error explained. "They ain't sick, we can't get sick, we're already dead." Cherry scoffed.

"YeAh...." Error muttered, looking at them.

"Well! I'm glad you consider to come--"

"I oNlY cAmE bY FoRcE." Error cut off Ink, as the Chara's giggled.

((I was planning to make this longer.... But I'll give mercy and post now....

Probably try to make the other much more longer.

And sorry for the REALLY REALLY REALLY long cliff hanger :'D

It might happen again for I might loose motivations and post for the next 3 months again-- toodles-))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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