Chapter 9: The sash of vials

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((Horray! I'm late again qwq... Finally I've posted this... Taking ne awhile since I have to do so many art works and finish the other TvT....

But hey! Just enjoy this chapter! It might be short and a bit unfinished so Yeah! I'm currently in writers block qwq))

Ink's POV

I was at my room, having a pencil on my mouth. Thinking about the new AU and the recently destroyed ones, tapping my finger by my head as I placed my elbow by the table, my hand helding my head that was tilted to the side a bit...

I then sigh as I teleported to the doodle spear, looking at the new AU... It was somewhat unfinish, some errors around the AU... I should I ask Taste about it.... Speaking of errors, I looked at the AU Error destroyed a few days ago... I couldn't recognize it as all fragment got deleted.... ((Or the author doesn't know what AU to put qwq))

I couldn't tell Blue about this... It will break his soul if he knew I couldn't fix the AU... He would blame himself! This didn't happen once though, the last time I said that I can't fix an AU that Error destroyed. Somehow we got distracted, Blue blamed himself, taking every blame, it took like 1 and half month to make Blue forget about it....

I sigh once again, it's very stressing lately. AU's getting destroyed, new AU's having errors on the timelines, and an innocent bean on the loose, blaming himself again if he finds out.... I groaned in fraustration as I teleported back to my room, flopping on my bed... "I wish I had a day off..." I mubled through fabric as I buried my face on the bed...

I then felt a presence behind me... It seems familiar... Then it hit me, I wished for something.... Another groaned came from with irritation in it.... "Please not now..." I said, a bit muffled.

"Aww why not?" a familiar voice then was heard, confirming someone IS behind him... "Don't you want no one to bothering you? Just for one day~?" he said,

Ink then got up as hit sit on his bed, looking at 'him'. He was wearing a black cloak, a yellow vest with white shirt underneath, a black bow tie, a pants and a black shoes. He hold a black cane and wore a top hat that float above on the hood of his cloak... He had a yellow pinpricks, and a Sans' signature grin.....

"And what's your offer this time, Bill?" Ink asked, knowing a deal maker always have something in return... "Hm.... Your new AU? Or maybe that glasses you have~" the tall skeleton cooed known as 'Bill', looking at his desk

Ink squinted his sockets at him, "That glasses is not mine.... And I'm not going to give the new AU...." Ink saod sternly, obviously declining the two offer. "Hm, very well then" Bill said and shrugged,

Then it was silent between the two, both probably thinking....




"Then who owns the glasses?" Bill suddenly asked, Ink looked at him, "From Error...." Ink simply said, "And why do YOU have it? From what I known, you two haven't made a truce yet..." Bill said as he floated, "You might want to remove the 'yet' if you talk to Error...." Ink said, knowing Error would be stubborn about the truce.

"Speaking of Error, where is 404?" Ink then asked, smugly as he already knew about the two.... Bill just grinned, "Oh, he's doing fine, chit chatting anti-Error..." Bill simply reply. "JUST chit-chatting? I mean they're both similar to Error... And I once heard that they can fall inlove with their kinds...." Ink said, now glaring at Bill....

Now the war begins between the two, Bill glaring back, "Mhm, why haven't you gave his glasses back? Why do you have sketches of him?" Bill asked, gaining the dominance of the tease. Little did he know, Ink cheated, and did not drink the pink vial, "Pfft- he won't even stay to an AU where I am in 5 seconds, except if we we're fighting..." Ink replied back,

"what about you? Why do you stalk 404 every now and then?" Ink now asked, trying to win the tease fight,

They often have this, so it would be surprising if they have not fight... But not like a physical fight, but somewhat verbal fight.... "I am just making sure that he can be safe..." Bill said, seemingly losing, he did not see that coming. "Being safe? Or marking your enemy?" Ink asked again... "404 can clearly handle himself... He's almost strong as Error..." Ink said

Seemingly this time, Ink is winning as a faint blush appeared by Bill's cheek bone, "Then why didn't you kill Error when you had a chance?" Bill asked, now this was deep.

"what do you mean?" Ink asked back, not knowing what he means, "Why did you reboot him when you know you can kill him on the spot? Why did you take his glasses and not find him to give it back, you even battled with him. And most of all, why are YOU now blushing?" Bill asked, seemingly every question strucked Ink.... He didn't even notice himself blushing madly.

Bill then sigh, "Welp, I win, you give me something now..." Bill said, they often would have a tie match, but would sometimes win, and if they do, they have to get something from the other, "I'm not giving you the glasses nor the AU." Ink said sternly, "I wasn't asking for that.... That was for the deal... But now I want is..... One of your vials?" Bill said as he smirked,

"No... I need them.." Ink protested calmly, "I'll give it back tomorrow... Since you already drink them, right?" Bill said, as he urged him, he never gives up when it comes about making deals, especially when he makes the deals

"Mhm... Then where's my sketch pad that you borrowed last month?" Ink asked as he looked at his scarf where he put it as a memo....

"And besides, I don't need a day off, I can finish them easily so after that I can rest...." ink said plainly,

Bill groaned as he looked at him unamused, "Yeah... No, I ain't accepting any of your deals..." Ink added before flopping back on the bed....

"Ugh... Fine.." Bill groaned out as he disappeared.

"INK!!! WE NEED TO GO" Dream suddenly burst into the room. Ink then looked at him confused, "To where?" Ink asked....

"It's almost Grillby's birthday! Have you forgot again??" Dream then reminded as he asked. Ink was dumbfounded, as he looked at his scarf, "Oh right! So... Which Grillby are we gonna give a gift?" Ink asked as he remembered...

"We're going to surprise the original! So we better get going to get a gift for him!" Dream exclaimed, as Ink stood up,

"I guess we can go now! Is Blue there?" Ink asked, as Dream nodded, "He's already downstairs, waiting for us! Come on!" Dream urged Ink, as he ledt the room.....

"Coming coming..." Ink said as he took his brush and left the room, closing and locking his bedroom door,

Though, he forgot what he supposed to never forget, which is important to him...

There on the table laid his sash of vials.... It then disappeared with a yellow flash, it disappeared like a bubble pop....

((Ahhh, Finally I'm finished! I haven't been active on my books lately TvT

So I'll try to, and the Cream book is.... Kinda almost finish simce there's a book waiting in my draft UwU

Can ya guess what it is??

Well that's all for now!

Nixxy-Chan Out))

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