Chapter 16: Matchmaking

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((. . . I don't have anything to say but good morning, good afternoon or good evening to y'all

Art above from, Beruu14


3rd person's POV

Error was currently at OuterTale, talking to Outer. They we're friends, since Error never destroyed the AU, nor bother the current state. He's just there for the stars, and maybe sometimes watch the genocide route, but that's another story.

"So, what have you been up to? Destroying aus, perhaps?" Outer asked Error just shrugged, humming. "I mEaN, i CoUlD, BuT i'M tOo lAzY tO kIlL aNyOne, AnD mOtHer NooTmaRe hAsN't pLaNnEd AnYthInG." Error replied as Outer hummed. "Hm... It's weird that he didn't plan anything for... 3 days you say?" Outer said as Error nodded.

"He ShOuLd hAvE a PlAn FoR eVerYdAy. BuT i ThInK wHen I sUgGesTed ThE tRuCe, He tHoUghT aBoUt iT." Error said as he remembered how Nightmare stayed silent about their talk when it came up to Dream. "Well, they're still brothers. And families may have some fights, trouble and argument. But when it comes to the time that Nightmare will defeat them. I don't think he's able to kill Dream." Outer hummed. "I mEaN. He CoUlDn'T eVeN pUnIsH kIlLeR fOr hIs mIsTakEs AnD tRoUbLes. He CaN't EvEn HuRt uS. He MaY bE A bIg fReAkY gOd oF nEgAtiViTy. BuT hE iS a SoFtY." Error said.

"Hm. Killer said the same thing. He would even blush when the conversation is about him." Outer hummed, remembering how Killer would blush, but still held a neutral expression. "It'S fUnNy hOw WhEn KiLlEr dO sOmE cHoReS, tHeRe'S a RaRe TiMe nIghTmArE wiLl hElP hIm, or MaKe SmAll CoNvErSaTiOn." Error stated. "He told me about that too. He also told me the time you all got drunk?" Outer hummed as Error nodded. "I dOn'T rEaLly ReCaLl nOr ReMeMbEr mUcH oN WhAt hAppEnEd.." Error said as Outer chuckled. "Well, Actually. Killer was the only one who didn't got that much drunk. Due to that he was emotionless, his feelings didn't bother him making him think properly. He told me that Nightmare even got drunk too." Outer hummed as Error listened to him, since he didn't really remember and recall what happened that time.

"C'mon Killer, join us! Don't be such a party pooper~" Dust cooed, obviously drunk as Horror chuckled, while Killer looked at them plainly. "I'm not a party pooper. I'm worried y'all would break some bones if you play that." Killer stated, he was still in the right state of mind, but because of the alcohol, he acted like he has emotions, but it didn't bothered his thinking.

"Let them break some bones. It's fun to watch them." Nightmare chuckled, he was also drunk, since someone had probably spiked his coffee. Error was by the ceiling, hanging on his string, also drunk. Killer then sigh, he wish he was drunk, but even how many shots he drank, he didn't got drunk... Well not that much.

Dust and Horror then started, but first, they got into the practice area, just so they wouldn't break anything that Nightmare might throw them out of the window.

The two fought recklessly, but also swiftly. Somehow, the two dodge swiftly at each other's attack, but really reckless at their aiming, like they're actually trying to kill each other.

Meanwhile, Killer didn't follow, just Cross and Error watch the two fought, even making bets.

While Nightmare is probably still drinking his spiked coffee, or either passed out. Killer didn't care at first since it was Nightmare's first time getting drunk, since he didn't allow any vodka or alcohol, but someone just had to spiked his coffee just for this once.

Killer then felt sleepy and drowsy as it seems that he would pass out from all the alcohol he drank. So he just laid on the couch and the arm of the couch as his pillow for now. And before he even can even fall asleep, he felt a weight on his chest. Looking down seeing his boss, on top of him, "Heh. Cutie." Nightmare said grinning at him. Killer blushed as it seemed to be not visible on his face due to the alcohol. "Boss, I think it's time to go to Bed--" Killer said as Nightmare rose a non existing brow.

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