Chapter 12: The tease [~{Part 2}~]

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((Alright, I'ma try to finish this as fast as I can, tell me if there's any typos cause I need to get ready for my group's report..

If those idiots just didn't made me a leader, then it would be easier for meh! (`⌒')

Well, I hop you like this vi-- I MEAN, chapter! UwU))

3rd person's POV

Fresh was now taking his daily visit to Error as he arrive the anti void. Not excpecting Error in the middle of multiple Charas T-posing while whispering to him.

"Woah, rad brahs, what the flip of flamingo ya doin' a ritual on Error brah?" Fresh spoke as the Charas look at them

"He won't accept the fate he already has! To date a squid!" Cherry exclaimed. Fresh snorted a little, "Alright Brah.. Let go of him. You're doing the unrad thing." Fresh said, looking at them.

"Push him to his fate, not force him." Fresh stated as there was 'Oh' from the Charas...

"HE'S THE GOD OF SHIPPER!" Pluto exclaimed as she was already released from the strings, so is Goldie... "I ain't god of rad ships, but I ship what rad is for me" Fresh stated.

"Alright, on the plan. Push him in OuterTale!" Goldie exclaimed. "But.. how? He's the only one who can teleport and open a portal..." Chaos reminded. "Wait for him to reboot, then ask if we could visit OuterTale...?" Hunter suggested,

"Alrighty, dudettes, if ya need help just call my name, and I'll be there." Fresh said as he poofed. ". . . . Okay let's pretend we didn't saw that." Cherry said. "alright, but..... he's still rebooting though...." Heart reminded. "Then let's just wait... It won't be that long...."  Frisk assured..






"This is taking forever!" Cherry exclaimed. "It's only been 5 second, idiot." Pluto reminded. "Still!" Cherry stated as she huffed, crossing her arms. 

"Geez, stop being a whiny baby, it's only been a few seconds and you're already so d*mn annoying." Frisk spoke as she groaned. "Ugh, whatever. I'm going. Tell me when he reboots already..." And with that Cherry stood up and started to walk away.... 

Just as then Error fully rebooted and recovered from the 'ritual'. Firstly groaning, as he looked around. "FiRsT oF aLl yOu'Re AlL gRoUnDeD." Error spoke as many of them whined, groaned and protested.

Frisk then urged Pluto to say the plan now. "Uhm... Dad? Could we atleast, go to my AU--" Pluto didn't even got to finish her sentence as Error interrupted her.

"YoU dOn'T tHiNk I dIdN't hEaRd YoUr PlAn. So nO." Error spoke. "We forgot about the voice mail..." Chaos muttered, as Error rolled his pinpricks.

"WhAt'S gOtTeN iNtO yOu aLl? WhY aRe YoU aLl Of ThE SudDeN dOiNg ThIs MatCh MakInG ThInGy?" Error asked as he looked sternly at them. Just as then, Cherry came back. "Because. Is it bad that we wanted a mom?" Cherry grinned, just teasing Error for a bit more....

". . . . . . 3X©U$E M3?!" Error exclaimed, as he glitched badly. Most of the Chara's snickered and laugh. "I 4©C3pT€D T#4T ¥0μ 4!L ©4\! M€ Y0μπ D@D! T#3Π ¥0μR 4$K¡Π6 F0R @ M0M?!" Error's voice was glitching badly as he was barely understandable to hear.

"Why not?" Hunter asked like it was nothing. "¥0μR $#¡¶₱¡Π6 m3 W¡7# M¥ ΠEM3$¡$ !" Error exclaimed. "Ever heard of Opposite Attract?" BirdTale Chara said, known as Flight. "Yeah! What's wrong on dating your nemesis?" Cherry asked like it was nothing. "And why we're and ARE you blushing?" Heart snickered, noticing that there was a tint of blue hue of blush by Error's cheeks.

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