Chapter 4: Brothers

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((Here comes Broski and Masochist!

Also I played Undertale.... I beat Asgore and forgave him,
But Flowey ruined it-

Flowey, you little piece of sh- I will tear your petal, ONE BY ONE,

Anyways, enjoy the story-))

3rd person's POV

"Go AwAy" Error said as he tried to walk away from a certain skeleton, "C'mon B bruh! Don't you want to visit your radical lil' bro?" The skeleton said.

The skeleton wore a Cyan hoodie, with Blue hood, pink sleeves, and green pocket and laces. He wore a purple shirt underneath, and a blue fingerless gloves. He wore an orange sweatpants with white vertical strip on the side, as he wore a multicolored snicker. He also had a red and yellow cap, as he then wore a black sunglasses with YO LO, written on it.

"yoU aLwAys ViSiT mE lIke 7 TiMeS a DaY wHen I'm In tHe AntI-vOiD!" Error exclaimed, "Oh c'mon radical Broski! Ya know you radically missed me!" The 90's trash said, 'Why can't Geno save from this....' Error thought as he grumbled, "I know! How about we visit Geno bruh! It's been a while y'know!" Fresh suggested, as Error thought for a moment.

He then sigh, "FInE!" Error said as he made a portal to the save screen. Fresh smiled brightly as he followed Error who went in the portal. The portal closed behind them as they looked around, they immediately noticed the skeleton not too far from the distance.

The skeleton wore a white jacket and white shirt underneath, he had a big red slash in the middle of his torso, though the blood seems to not pour out, as it just spilled around the scar, he also had a red crimson torn scarf on. He had a black sweatpants with white stripe on each sides as he wore a white socks and slippers. He had glitch all over his body like Error, but a more bigger glitch covered his right sockets and it seems to stay there.

The skeleton seems to not noticed the two yet, as Fresh then sneak behind and tackled him, "Geno bruhh!!!" Fresh exclaimed, "Ack- Fresh! What are you doing here?! Wait... Error? What are you two doing here?" Geno yelped as Fresh tackled him and asked them, "FrESh WaNTed tO vIsiT yOu, So I tAgGed AlOnG sInCe hE wAs BoTheRinG me....." Error replied,

"Aww, you didn't have to!" Geno said, as Error rolled his eyelights, "YeAh, We ReAllY dIdn'T hAvE to...." Error said and eyed Fresh, "But aren't you lonely here?" Fresh asked, "Nope! I have company! Actually he's about to be here right about...." Geno said and looked at a certain direction,

"Now..." He said as a portal opened and a skeleton walked in with a scythe, "Uhhh.... You didn't say we'll be having more companies...." The skeleton said as Error glared at him,

The skeleton wore a black cloak with ropes by his waist and by the shoulder which connects the end with a skull with Blue pinpricks.... The scythe he was holding had a small skull on the edge that looked like a gaster blaster with Blue flaming pinpricks.

"WhAt ArE YOU dOiNg HeRe?" Error questioned, more like demanded, "Hey, When I say I have a certain place to be in, I mean, I have a certain someone to be with!" Reaper exclaimed, "Uhh... You guys know each other?" Geno asked, "Of CoUrSe! WHy dOn'T yOu TelL hIm, 'ReApEr' " Error said with a mocking voice as Reaper looked at him unamused, "The real question is, 'What are YOU doing here....' " Reaper now asked, "He'S mY bRoThEr....." Error simply said as Reaper was dumbfounded, "wait wha-"

Geno smiled awkwardly nervous, "U-Uhm... I forgot to mention, I had brothers.... Neither that I had Reaper to company me..." Geno said and laugh nervously, "Well~ Atleast Error knows and trust who's gonna be he's brother-in-law~" Reaper cooed as he smirked at Geno, "I nEveR TrUstEd tHe MonStEr'S dEaTh, 'GrIm ReApEr' " Error said as he glared at him, "Wow, That name hit hard, but it's pretty ironic coming from the destroyer itself....." Reaper replied slyly,

The two leaned to each other, glaring like daggers, as they we're inches apart, an electric bolt between their sockets connect as they glared harder to each other. Suddenly Fresh pulled Error away, "Bruh, You don't want to steal Geno broski's kiss, don't ya?" Fresh said as they leaned away. Reaper going behind Geno, sticking his tongue out, Error growled as Fresh let him go, "WhAt Do YoU mEAn?" Error asked as he looked at Fresh, as he had a smug face, "DoN't TeLl mE yOu ShIp tHeM!" Error exclaimed as Geno blushed, "WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEANS?! WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!" Geno shouted as Reaper felt strucked by friendzoned ((Oof- flex tape can't fix that-)), "Sorry Broskis, but as a shipper, I must do my duties!" Fresh said and pose dramatically,

"YOu AbOmInAtIoN..... ThAt'S jUst StUpId!" Error exclaimed as Geno agreed, "And this isn't another reason to flirt with me, Reaper!" Geno said and glared at Reaper, as he floated to Fresh said with them both having a 'QwQ' or ';-;' face.... "Likely brothers...." They said in unison as the two glitch looked at them unamused,

Then Error realized something, "WaIt, FlIrT wiTh yOu?!" Error exclaimed as he looked at Geno who blushed and looked away, "Yes..... He flirts with me, pissing me off..." Geno muttered, "But you know you like it~" Reaper cooed with a smug face, "I DO NOT!!" Geno exclaimed, "Sheez, Never knew Geno bruh, is a radical Tsun-Tsun!" Fresh said "I AM NOT!!" Geno yelled as Error look done and summon his strings.


"Technical Difficulties"

Error now sat beside Geno as Reaper sat next to Fresh who is sitting apart from the glitches, "C'mon Broskis! It was just a joke!" Fresh said trying to calm the tensions down "We AlL KnOw wE rAthEr PuNs tHan JokEs...." Error said sternly as he glared at Reaper,

Then suddenly two phones rang, as Error and Reaper got a text,

N - Where the hell are you all?! It's almost dawn now!

D - Still on mission....

H - in my AU... With Paps... But otw!

K - On my way now..... Just taking care of business

C - With Chara spying on his chwgdkdueg

C - sorry- Chara snatched my phone....

N - well you better get here sooner or later, or else, I'll fetch you myself.

Geez, Calm down, On my way.... - E

Texted on Error's phone, while Reaper was texted by Papyrus,


Geez Alright Paps! If I probably late, the Spaghetti will be cool.... -


It would be chill..... To the bone -


Alright, I'm coming... -

Reaper and Error then took their phone down, as they both stood, "NeEd To Go nOw.... DoN't wAnT aN oCtOpUs fOllOwInG mE AroUnd...." Error said and muttered the last part, "Hey! That's Unrad bruh!" Fresh exclaimed as he got offended, "I wAsN'T tAlKinG aBoUt yOu!" Error snarled as he opened a portal and walked in, closing it from behind,

"Welp, I need to go too! Paps might get worried! Bye!" Reaper said as he opened his portal and floated in as the portal closed behind......

"Can I see your parasite?" Geno asked, "I think it's totes sleeping Broski...." Fresh said as Geno nodded.

((Welp, that was short.... But anyways, I am now addicted to UnderTale as I reset and played a pacifist time line.....

Now I'm stuck with Muffet again, I can't pass on the dinner part.... QwQ

Nixxy-chan Out-))

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