Chapter 21: Just A Dream To Come True

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((ahaha... Ha... Ha... I'm sorry for the VERY VERY long cliffhanger ._.))

Error's POV

  I suddenly jolted awake. 'It.. was a dream?'

I thought as I looked around, seeing the demon children and Ink still playing. ' I must have fallen asleep. ' I thought, then blushed. ' But why would I dream such thing. '

I then shooked my head, this was ridiculous. Such ridiculous dream it is.

' I should ask Nightmare about it--'

'its best not to. He might come up with some stupid conclusion. '

'But... He would help getting rid of those thoughts.. '

'he would probably recommend talking to his brother-- and hell nah, I'm not doing that. '


I jolted as I looked besides me to see Cherry. "You lookin' kinda like a lemon... Also Ink left 20 minutes ago." Cherry said as I looked confused.

"20... MiNuTeS aGo?" I repeated as she nodded, "apparently you we're day dreaming for 45 minutes already." Cherry stated. "And the fact that your blushing seems suspicious." Cherry said, narrowing her eyes on me.

I scoffed at her. "YeAh RiGhT. Definitely not thinking about ...." I muttered quietly.

"WhAt WaS tHaT??" Cherry asked as I blushed. "NoNe Of YoUr DaMn bUsIneSs!" I  exclaimed. "It is my damn business to know my mom! You're blushing!" Cherry exclaimed, huffing. "No I wAsN't AnD YoU dOn'T hAvE a FuCkInG mOm!" I argued, my glitches we're spreading and I feel like I would crash any moment now.

"ThEn wHy dO yOu fUcKiNg LoOk lIkE a LeMoN tHe WiLl CrAsH?!" Cherry argued, this little fucking brat, "BeCaUse You WoN't FuCkInG sHuT uP! AnD nOw gO tO yOuR fUcKinG sIbLiNgS oR alTeRnaTivEs aNd gO fUcK yOurSeLf!" I exclaimed, trying to calm my blush as I glitched really badly. "GlAdLy iF yOu TeLl Me WhAt YoU'rE tHiNkiNg-" Cherry huffed.

This fucking brat is testing me. I narrowed my sockets at her as she narrowed her eyes.

I just wrapped my strings around her and threw (( Y e E t-)) her to a portal to who knows where. I don't even want to know where she ends up. But I was sure that it's not the worst aus.

I then sigh, that was a ridiculous dream... Why would he even try kissing me. That stupid, idiotic dumbass squid would probably vomit on me anyway. Yet again, I was blushing... I'm thinking too many dumb things about him. He's my nemesis, yet I agreed to his intention of stop fighting. But it's better off than dealing to fight him with his annoying rants. And plus, the demon children seems to like him. Atleast they won't bother me anymore. He can give what they want anyways, toys, chocolates, knives, and other things they never got from me. 

Now, where was I in my other mid-thought.... Oh right, the ridiculous dream... 

Probably my fear from getting touch, that goopy bastard probably controlling my dreams. I'm just not gonna think about it, the more I think about it, the more it seems to be a dream rather than a nightmare. And I prefer it not a sweet sweet dream. Kissing him would be a total nightmare.

3rd person's POV

"Mmm.... What do you think I should give Error to like.... So he can be not-so grumpy anymore?" Ink asked, currently in the star sanses' base. "Why not Tacos? Everyone loves tacos!" Blue suggested, just finishing making their lunch.... Tacos. 

"Hm.... Good idea... But something he can use, not eat." Ink snickered. "Well maybe make him a scarf? It's a common gift as friendship." Dream suggested, "Err.... He knits..." Ink reminded. "And? I don't see what's the problem." Dream shrugged. "he has tons of those already. He knits like everyday I think." Ink said, as Dream stared him then thinking of another gift to give as  friendship. "Why not invite him over for Lunch?" Blue suggested. "He wouldn't go unless his children will go too..." Ink muttered. 

"Hold up, Children?" Dream repeated. "He has kids??" DReam asked. "Ah, no. He adopted them, basically Charas from different aus." Ink excplained as Dream nodded. He really thought Error had kids of his own-

"Wait, do they have a mom?" Blue asked in curiosity. "err. No... But they do consider me as one." Ink answered. "Ohhh, they ship you with Error! That's cute." Dream exclaimed, giggling, "Me? with Error? Pfft-, I couldn't even come near him without me getting hung on his strings." Ink laughed. 

Blue and Dream looked at each other. "I mean... You are trying to make him comfortable around you, right?" Blue said, as Ink looked at him. "Well, yeah--" Ink muttered. "And didn't you went on a date with him?" Blue reminded. "Oh riiight.... Wait how did you know?" Ink asked. "You told us." Dream said, ' and maybe spied on you... ' Blue and Dream silently added. "huh.... Alright then. If ya'll say so." he muttered.

"But anyways... We can invite them over too." Blue suggested. "To atleast fill this large table you made..." Dream said. pointing at the table which was really large, more than for 20 monsters. ".... Yeah, I don't even know why I made it large..." Ink muttered. "Ehh, we'll need it when we throw a party... Which was only once because Blue had a sugar rush and spiked the cookies by mixing hardcore whiskey to the drinks." Dream explained, "Well yeah, but hey! Atleast we can now finally use it. Right??" Ink responded as he laugh nervously. "Well he got a point on that." Blue muttered. 

"Well having visitors after the truce does sounds pretty good." Dream hummed. "I think we should... I just hope nothing would be destroyed by the demon children, "Don't worry, I don't think they'll cause unnecessary actions." Ink assured, "Such as?" Blue asked. 

"........... Pulling out a knife out of nowhere and start stabbing us since there's like 10 or more of them?" Ink said as the two stared at him, "They won't... Do that... Right-?" Blue asked, just being cautious. "I don't think so. Not when Error says so-" Ink shrugged. "Okay, maybe let's just have chocolate dessert just incase." Dream suggested as Ink shrugged again. "Fine by me." He said.

A magical timeskip cause the author is running out of time of posting every month-

((Yeah no, I'm leaving this as another cliffhanger. I don't wanna be late so I'll post next month again or when I feel like I have motives :D.

That's all for now since I've reached a thousand words.

Nixxy-chan Out-))

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