Chapter 3: The Star Sanses

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((We are the Crystal Gems, we'll always save the day!
And if you think we can't, we always find a way- Okay I'ma stop right there XD))

3rd person's POV

"But Blue... It wasn't your fault...." Ink reassured as Blue sobbed, "B-But i-if I just l-le-t Dream p-pi-ck, w-we wo-n't be di-dist-ract-ed..... A-And w-we'll n-no-tice i-t r-rig-ht away!" Blue stuttered as he hiccuped and continuesly sob. "Oh Blue... Please don't cry... Atleast we made a new AU! And-And Ink can fix it! Right Ink?" Dream assured and ask Ink with a pleading eyelights...

"Well... If Error left som- I mean, Of course! I can fix it in no time!" Ink exclaimed nervously as he got a glare from Dream that made nervous and cautious on what he'll say. "R-Really?" Blue asked now with a watering socket, and 'puppy eyes'. "Of course! Don't worry, Blue. Now, would a nice cream and hugs make you feel better?" Dream asked trying to cheer up Blue. As it works as Blue lighten up a bit, wiping the tears from his sockets and smiled a little bit.

"There we go! Now I want to hear the great laugh of the magnificent Sans!" Dream exclaimed as Blue laughed a little, soon laughing his signature laugh. "That's the Blue I know! Now who wants some nice cream?!" Dream exclaimed as Blue jumped, "Me! Me! I want some Nice Cream!" Blue exclaimed as he kept jumping whole the two laughed.

"Okay okay... My treat!" Ink said as he opened a portal to the new AU. Blue quickly jumped in as Ink and Dream followed, giggling at Blue's behavior.

As they went in, Blue immediately went to the nice cream shop and was waiting for them at the entrance, looking sugar rushed.

"Blue slow down! It's like it's gonna close anytime soon.." Ink whined as they reached the entrance and went in... "Sorry! But I'm just excited!" Blue exclaimed as Dream giggled, "You're always excited!" Dream said as Blue shrugged. We got to the counter as NCM came. "Hello! I'm the nice cream man! Any specific nice cream you'd like?" He (?) Asked. "I would like cookies and cream!" Blue immediately said as he giggled to himself, "Vanilla please.." Dream said politely, "chocolate!" Ink said as the nice cream man nodded and went to get their orders.

A little while, the nice cream mad came back and gave them their specific nice cream as Ink payed and left with the others.

Ink's POV

"Hey! I heard OuterTale is showing a meteor shower today! We should check it out!" Dream exclaimed, "Woah! Really? Yeah! We shouldcheck it out!" Blue exclaimed as I chuckled. I then opened a portal to OuterTale. As we went in, we immediately saw may stars shining and shimmering ((Splendi- nvm)), it was a beautiful scene!

"C'mon let's find a good spot!" I said as the portal closed, and we jumped to island to island, trying to find a nice spot to sit on and a good view for it. After a while. We found a nice big island with trees. As the view is more pretty and the stars shine more in this spot. "It's nice here! Maybe we should stay in this spot!" Blue said as we nodded.

We then sat on the ground, as we admire the scene. The meteor showers might end in a few hours or more. Then I saw a figure afar. Dangling it's feet on the edge of the island, looking asleep as it layed it's head on the ground. I thought it was Outer, but 'wait. Isn't Outer with his Frisk? And he won't go far from home when it's meteor showering...' I thought.

So I just shrugged thinking it was another Sans. But I saw something floating around the figure. 'small blocks?' I thought as I try to figure them out. "Hey guys, I'ma be right back. Need to check something!" I said as I floated near the island, " okay! Be back soon!" Blue said, "Be safe!" Dream said as they both waved at me.

I was not close to the island as I tried to see clearly on who the figure was, and I was right. It was Error. I think he doesn't noticed me yet, he looked peaceful. He was sleeping as a red glasses beside his head, 'What is he up to now...' I groaned in my mind as I spied on him.

Though, I noticed he never destroyed this AU. 'maybe he likes this AU...' I thought, I then quietly approached him. He seems asleep so, I think he won't notice..

3rd person's POV

As Ink approached Error. Error was awake, just his sockets closed. He heard shuffling around him, he ignored it as he thought it was just the wind, or Outer exploring, since Outer doesn't bother him.

Ink is finally close to Error, on his knees and looking down on him. He observed him as he looked at his face.

Error then felt being watched, he just ignored it, thinking it was Nightmare being a 'Momma nootmare' he is. Checking on them, but it was supposed to be a quick moment. He felt the stare longer. 'Is anybody else with me?' he asked himself,

Ink stared at him amused, as Error stirred his sockets and suddenly fluttered open. The two made contacts as Error blinked twice. Without another second, he suddenly crashed. "Uhm.. Oh gosh...." Ink muttered as he got beside Error, "Error? Oh gosh, ERROR!? Are you alive?! I'm sorry, I know I was your enemy, but I wanted to be friends! I'm sorry! I didn't want you dead-" Ink kept apologizing and reasoned, but got cut off as he heard a female voice,

Would you like to restart?
•Yes              •No

Ink looked at the screen above Error, "wait what...." Ink muttered as he pressed 'yes'.

Rebooting system.
Please leave a voicemail.

Ink blinked, "Uhm... Error are you okay? Wait, ARE YOU EVEN ALIVE?!" Ink panicked as then he heard the voice again.


Ink looked at it then at Error. He had 'ERROR' signs covering his socket as he's glitches froze.

A few moments later


System restarting

Ink finally perked up as he was bored and decided to draw, he got he's sketch pad and pencils. Error then groaned and sat up, holding and gripping on his skull. Then a voice came when he was out, as Ink heard it too.

"Uhm... Error are you okay? Wait, ARE YOU EVEN ALIVE?!"

The voice massage said, as Error glitch when it raised it's voice. Error then looked around, and notice Ink immediately, as he was close to him. "WhAt ThE HeLl, RaInbOw fReAk!!" Error shouted as he immediately scooted away. "Sorry, I thought I killed you..." Ink said as he nervously chuckled. "WhAt aRe yOu eVen dOinG heRe?!" Error said, more like demand. "I roamed around AUs, Error. Have you forgot?" Ink replied. "WhY hErE?" Error asked unamused, more like pissed off and irritated. "It's meteor shower...." Ink simply said as he pointed the at the stars and the meteors scattering around. "I shOulD'Ve knOwn" Error said sarcastically, "Oh come on, Error! Don't be like that!" Ink said, as Error groaned and stood up, "WhAteVer" he said as he opened a portal and left.

"Wait Error-" Ink got cut off as the portal closed, he sigh and looked down, then noticed Error left his glasses. Ink picked it up and examine it, he then place it by his pocket and stood up, going back to Dream and Blue..

"Oh Ink! There you are! What took you so long?" Blue asked as he noticed Ink, "Oh nothing... Just checking something out!" Ink said as he sat besides Dream. "So what did I miss?" Ink asked. As Blue and Dream giggled.

((Done! Wow I'm early! Anyways that's all for the chapter!

Any ships or characters you want to add? Just comment here!

Nixxy-chan Out!))

Opposite Attraction - ErrInk (Error x Ink) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now