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It was a great idea to order pizza!

He smiled at her and put his hand on hers. She intertwined her fingers together and leaned against him. With her other hand, she wiped a bit of tomato sauce from the corner of his mouth. At the touch of her finger on his cheek, a tingle spread through their bodies.
Her thumb gently stroked his lips. The eye contact they had was never lost. Blue met green.

You know that I love you?

And I hope you know that I love you!

He stared at her lips. She enjoyed the feeling of being desired by him.

Everything was just right between them. Their souls made one heart together and were made for each other. The love they felt was overwhelming. There was no one, nobody, absolutely nothing, that could come close to their love at all. Knowing everything about each other, being able to talk to each other without saying a word and understanding how the other one feels, is a true art. An art that the two of them mastered. It is and always will be something very special, a unique ability between the two of them.

Just as she was about to kiss him, Bradley jokingly held a slice of pizza in front of her face.


She laughed and pushed his hand with the food aside.

No you fool but I'd like to kiss you right now!

He wiped his hands on a napkin and stood up. They were still holding hands and that was the reason that Stefani also got up and followed him. Suddenly he stopped, turned to her, grabbed her and kissed her lips. He leaned so far against her that she was only standing on one leg and he was holding her body. His hands were on her back and she crossed her arms behind his neck to hold on better.
Hungrily they devoured each other's lips and sighed at the all too familiar feeling of each other.

After more than a minute, Bradley straightened up again and pulled her flush against his body. For a tiny fraction of a second, their lips parted, leaving them gasping for air until they collided again.

You can be lucky that I was back in the dance studio only yesterday, otherwise my back would have been broken by now.

Automatically, their bodies heated up. The temperature in the room changed. He pushed her back a little so that her hand briefly rested on the table, where she accidentally pressed buttons on the remote control.
The lights went out and slow music began to play. Bradley took her hand and turned his beautiful girl in front of him. They started dancing and swaying slowly in time with the melody. His hands were on her hips. They both had their eyes closed and leaned their heads against each other.

It is a very beautiful evening!

Somehow it feels a little like this is our first date.

With her green eyes she looked into his.

But only a little bit because this is not just a date anymore!

When she threw her head back because she had to laugh he could only stare at her. Unable, he soaked up her beauty. Her character was gold and so was everything else. She was his main prize and he would do anything for her.

How about a movie?


Ok then, you go on in the living room, I'll put the pizza away and get snacks?

Yes, I need to freshen up anyway.

Stefani disappeared into the bathroom and Bradley got everything ready for the movie. On the coffee table was a bowl of popcorn and a small can of crackers. He had gotten her wine from the kitchen, along with two bottles of water. With enthusiasm, he sat down on the sofa and waited. It took a little while.
When she came back something had changed in her face. He didn't know how, what or why, but he knew there was something that made her think.

Are you ok?

She nodded. Stefani lay down in the seat next to him. He offered his lap as a pillow, which she gladly accepted.

Do you want some wine?

Ehm ... no, not right now.

As she said these words, she reached for some popcorn and put a few grains into her mouth. Lovingly, Bradley put a blanket over her and drew little circles on her body during the whole movie.

When the movie ended, Bradley turned off the TV and stroked her hair.

Come on, what's going on? I know there's something wrong with you.

She turned her head so he could look at her.

Talk to me, Stef.

His loving voice made her pout a little.

Bradley, so ... earlier, I noticed that I'm a little overdue.

He put a hand on her cheek.

And now you're worried about it?

She nodded.

Oh Stef, you don't have to worry about it!

She sat up and held his hand tightly. Suddenly her hands seemed more interesting than his eyes.

But what if-

Then it would be the most beautiful gift we'd ever get.

Bradley turned his head enough for her to make eye contact with him again.

This is what we always wanted!

I know.

He took her face in his big hands and kissed her.

I love you!

He pulled her into a kiss again and because she couldn't say anything she just put his hand over her heart.

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