Last dance

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It was half past five in the morning. Through the open windows of the hall, one could hear the clock tower strike. It was still dark, but the first rays of sunlight could already be seen in the sky. The light in the hall was off and was illuminated only by a few candles and the first rays of sunlight. Birds had meanwhile begun to sing again. Their soft sounds with the beautiful natural scenery made everything seem like a dream, it was.
There was no one left.
All gestures had already gone, even their parents. Nobody had had energy to stay awake longer after that day, understandably. Well, all except two. They had just stowed the last things together in the car, which she was determined to keep as a souvenir, before they entered the huge room again.
Everything was exactly as they had always imagined it.
Her eyes darted across the room, trying to soak up every detail before she disappeared. He did the same, soaking up everything like a sponge, only his eyes were on her.
At that time he had sworn to himself that he would never marry again. After his first marriage had failed relatively quickly, he had decided not to make that mistake again. He was convinced that nothing could change that opinion, but then this special woman came into his life who turned everything upside down.
For her it had been a lifelong dream. So many times she had told how, as a child, she dreamed of standing at the altar in a white, gorgeous dress in Italy and having a ring put on her finger by the right man.
Next to having a family of her own, it was one of her biggest dreams and he knew it.
She knew his original attitudes and accepted them. Somehow she hadn't cared because she just wanted him to be by her side, but one day she had a feeling.
Over all the years she had been tired of always being the one to get a marriage proposal. Of course, she was always flattered, but maybe that was just the problem. Even though she wasn't ready, she always said yes.
This time it was different, because her feeling had spoken to her and said it was the right time. He was the right one, the one who should always stay by her side.
It was not he who proposed, but she.
To the surprise of both of them, he accepted. He said yes, but only on one condition. His Italian upbringing spoke to his conscience and he was not going to let on that he had not been a gentleman.
Actually, he was, because he knew that way that she was ready. It was her decision and her choice, no coercion or pressure.
With the time they were together, he realized that she was his haven. She was the person he wanted to share everything with, have a future with, and just never let her go. He had had bad experiences, but he knew she was different. Marrying her was something different, something real, something that was forever.
So back then, a few days later, he had gone to a jeweler and had the most beautiful engagement ring made for her. She had known that he would ask her again, but she hadn't expected him to do it so soon and especially not on a short trip to Italy.
One evening, when she was finally recovering from a stressful day and a concert, she found rose petals all over the floor of her apartment. At that moment her heart had started beating fast and when she saw him standing in the middle of candles in a fancy shirt, she almost lost it. He poured his heart out to her before getting down on one knee and asking her. Tears had gathered in her eyes.
Of course she had agreed and had made him the happiest of men. By this time it was clear that they were going to get married, but being asked by him made her Italian heart beat a little differently.

Now the moment they had both been waiting for for so long was already over. They were married. Yesterday afternoon in a sweet little Italian church, they had said "I do" and promised eternal fidelity. The sound of each other saying "I do" still echoed in their ears. It was an indescribable feeling, it felt so right.

His eyes lit up and looked at her until she returned his gaze.

May I have this dance? The last dance is ours, Stef.

With pleasure, she gave him her hand and produced a beautiful smile. Her delicate rose-painted lips looked adorable when she smiled.

Thank you so much, Mister Cooper!

Mrs. Germanotta- Cooper.

Her hand slipped into his, and the other rested on the white shirt that encased his chest. Although it had been a busy day, there was nowhere she would rather be than there on the dance floor in his arms. There she was, in his arms, feeling completely at home.

I love you, B!

I love you, Stef!

She swayed around a bit until he found the remote for her music system and a slow dance song came out of the big speaker.

One last dance with you to celebrate our love.

They looked into each other's eyes. On one light blue met green/brown and worlds mixed. You could see them much love, respect and admiration for each other in each other's eyes, it was phenomenal, as was the kiss on it. His hands found her waist as they danced softly to the music and their lips met again for a sweet kiss.
Today her dream had come true and he had made sure of it. He made sure that all her dreams would come true. First it was the desire to be an actress, then they wedding and next he would give her a child, which she had wanted so much. A family with her had also always been his biggest dream and to be honest he didn't know how he had earned all this.
The universe meant well for them. It had been a long, sometimes very difficult road, but they had made it. The universe brings things together that belong together and they were definitely one of them.

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