Strange idea?

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Huh what do you think of that, Stef?

He laughed and took her hands in his. Her fingers knotted and she laughed.

Very big and fat written, STEFANI GERMANOTTA!

You are such an idiot!


Their bodies wiggled back and forth a bit, getting closer. Their hands were still linked in the air and Bradley swung them through the air a little.

Or was it Lady Gaga after all?

Playfully, she rolled her eyes.

You know how I think about that.

He grinned and she knew perfectly well that he wanted to hear a certain phrase from her lips.

What do you have against Stefani?

I know exactly what you want to hear. Yes the name is only for you and my family ... and yes Stef is ONLY for you! Are you happy now?


And B will always be my name! If Irina dares to call you that again, then-

You know very well that I will listen to this name only when I hear it from you!?

I just wanted to clear the fronts again, just in case.

He laughed again.

You don't need to clarify anything, everything is already decided. You are mine and I am yours! So and not differently! And YES, I promise you that they will put Lady Gaga in the credits.

Hm what about Lady Cooper? Sorry, you're right it doesn't sound good.

Bradley's mouth was open a little, but then closed again to look at her with a fake pout.

Is someone offended now?

No ...

This time she started laughing and gently poked his belly.

Hey ...

Her finger stroked his face, just like in the movie.

My Italian pride is a little hurt because you don't like the name Cooper.

Ok stop! I never said I didn't like the name!

But thought?

No! I just said that Lady Cooper doesn't sound good!

She took a step towards him and put a hand on his stubble-covered cheek.

But what do you think of Stefani Cooper? Or would you prefer Bradley Germanotta?

A small smile spread across his face. He wasn't quite sure what she was trying to say, but he had an idea. Their foreheads were pressed against each other.

Are you serious?

Why not? Would that be a strange idea? The two of us?

He moved his lips to her ear.

It would be perfect.

With one hand, he untied the chain from his neck and removed the ring. The ring that hung next to his father's wedding band. With bright green eyes, Stefani watched him.

So, you want to change the name?

He grinned into her neck as he carefully put the ring on her finger with one hand.
She was still speechless. She had so many things on her mind at once. Where had he gotten the ring? Had he planned this? Is this really happening right now? Where will the wedding be? What about their secret? What is her dress going to look like? What will Lea say about it?
Endless questions were in her head, but when she looked into his blue eyes again everything was blown away. There was only him and these infinite emotions and kinds of love she felt for him. The only thing what matters, the magic between them. Both stared into each others eyes and were just totally happy. Her hand was perfectly lying in his big one. The world was ok and perfect in that moment.

I love you

I love you even more!


Yes, forever!

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