Berlin 3

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Quietly, she lay back down next to him in the airplane bed and slipped under the blanket. He turned around and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer.

Can't sleep, hmm?

She shook her head and snuggled to his arm.

I'm too nervous!

You don't have to be nervous. It's been three years and you said yourself that people miss us.

Yeah, but what-

No buts.

He gave her a little kiss on the neck.

You'll see, everything will be fine. I'll be with you the whole time, just a table away.

Even though he couldn't see it he knew she was smiling. His warm breath on the back of her neck made a little goose bump go over her body.

Now don't go crazy and try to get some sleep or you'll fall asleep sitting on the table later.

You're right!

I know there are way too many thoughts floating around in that pretty head of yours.

She turned her head just enough to place a kiss on his lips. Then she looked over to the bed across from them, where Lea was still asleep. To calm her, Bradley began to hum lightly the tune of La vie en rose. It calmed them both down and after a few minutes she fell asleep.
Though he pretended not to be nervous, he was. He had been afraid, always had been, of losing her somehow. She was all he needed in his little world and he hated sharing this world with anyone else. They had decided together to make it public this year, to show it to the whole world. It was liberating but scary at the same time.
He buried his nose further in her hair, wanting to enjoy every moment with her, even if they were just lying next to each other and sleeping.

About five hours later they were both awake, but they stayed lying down and cuddled a little more. The flight attendant had knocked briefly on the cabin door and asked if everything was okay. Lea was still asleep when she checked her cell phone for new messages. Bobby had sent her a picture of the wig and Bradley's suit. She quickly took a picture of them and of Lea and sent it to Bobby with the text, "We're fine. More than halfway done, but the little one is still sleeping. We need about 2-3 more hours."

Bradley smiled at the picture. They had already taken so many pictures together, he even had a special folder on his phone, just for their photos. Every time he saw their pictures, a swarm of butterflies flew through his body. The pictures were proof that all of this was real. So often they both had wondered if they were just dreaming, if it was all an illusion, a made-up world, but it was not. It was reality.

About two hours later, they had landed. Freddie and Sarah did their best and hurried with their make up and hair, it was almost a race against time, but they were still able to finish.

You look so beautiful! Wow!

He pulled her closer to him and whispered the words in her ear.

And you look hot!

They both smiled at each other until she started to yawn.

I'm sorry!

Don't be sorry! You've only slept a few hours, it's normal. I'm tired too. Look forward to later, when this is over we'll go back to our cozy bed and continue sleeping.

The idea sounds very tempting!

He gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Are you all right?

His hand took hers and he intertwined their fingers.

With you, I couldn't be better.

He led her to the car and gave her another intense kiss before she got in and he went to his car.

She arrived first and walked down the red carpet. The crowd cheered and people were excited to see the new number one actress in Hollywood. As the lights hit her eyes and thousands of photos were taken of her, she saw his blue eyes again. He had arrived just a few minutes after and immediately started looking for her until he finally found her. She quickly gave him a genuine smile and went on to do some interviews. He did the same until they found each other again in the main hall. The photographers captured every moment of them, taking photos from every angle.

Are you ok?

Yes, are you?

They lingered in the hug a little longer than usual but were quickly catapulted back out of their little world, right into the reality again. She smiled at him when she saw the sparkle in his pretty blue eyes.


Eventually they would have to take their seats but that didn't stop them from stealing a look or even two. When she stood on the stage to announce the next category, her eyes automatically went to him, although she avoided it with all her might.
After the announcement, she and Jared walked off stage again, backstage, where an excited Bradley pulled her aside. He quickly looked around and then pressed his lips against hers in a long, yet quick kiss.

Sorry! I couldn't help myself.

She also looked around again and when she realized they were alone in the hallway, she returned the kiss.

I think we have to go back.

He was slightly out of breath and smiled at her with his bright blue eyes.


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