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I have them role! B! I HAVE THE ROLE!

I knew it! I'm so infinitely proud of you!

She threw her phone on the sofa and jumped into his arms to give him a big hug.

Thank you! *kiss* Thank you! *kiss* Thank you! *kiss* Thank you!

Why are you thanking me? It's all you! You are a wonderful actress!

But I could never have done it without you!

Oh yes, you could have! You could have had a brilliant acting career without me, old man!

No I doubt it! Above all, you're not old!

I'm not?

Not that I know? I like to remind you that of the two of us, I'm the one who gets out of breath first so you're still WOW!

He had to laugh and put a hand on her hip.

It's a wonder you put up with such an old man like me at all and haven't already made short process with me, as Patrizia did.

She smiled. Her eyes sparkled a little. Joy, desire and happiness were reflected in the beautiful green.

Are you afraid I might do something to you?

I don't know?

His hands fiddled with her belt.

Maybe when you get to know your character and become Patrizia? But with your charming smile and pretty eyes, you kill me anyway.

Aha, a few lovely words and manipulative talking? So are we now in our Mister Stan Carlisle role as well?

When I told you that you already hold my heart in your hand it wasn't a lie though.  

I hope so!

Only the truth Miss Reggiani! 

His finger traced a line across the bare skin not covered by the blouse.

Too bad I never got to meet Elizabeth Johnson.

She stood on her tiptoes and whispered a few words in his ear. Her warm breath tickled against his skin.

Believe me, you wouldn't have wanted it! She would have finished you off!

Ah you think she would have been too dangerous for me?

She made a motion of agreement.
They just stood there for a few seconds, not moving. Suddenly he grabbed her wrists, placed them above her head and pushed her against the nearest wall. Their bodies were close together and she had a frightened expression on her face. His blue eyes looked into her soul and saw every emotion she was feeling at that moment. Her gaze wandered briefly to his lips and then back to his eyes.

So she would be too dangerous?

Again a small smile flitted across her lips and all at once she released herself from his grip and sat down on the sofa, relaxing and taking a sip of her blood-red wine. He lingered in his position for a moment and then moved to the sofa as well. At first he was quiet and didn't move, but then he suddenly leaned over her and pushed her down on the soft blankets and pillows.
He didn't want to believe that Elizabeth was too dangerous and provoked her more and more until he finally kissed her. At first she returned the kiss, but then she started biting his lips. At the pinching sensation, he backed away a little and that gave her a chance to turn the page. She shifted her weight and pushed him against the sofa.

Yes. She's too dangerous for you, unless you were one of her specie too.

Only now she noticed that he was bleeding slightly from his lips and immediately her expression softened.

I'm sorry B! Didn't want to bite you

You're sure that you didn'twant to do exactly this?

Gently she stroked his lower lip with her thumb and caressed his cheek, when he had to smirk a bit. Bradley took the opportunity and pulled her body against his to kiss her soft lips again. The kiss was slow and romantic, very different from before. They both put all the love they felt for each other into the kiss and only pulled away from each other when they could no longer breathe.

I'm so proud of you! You deserve all of this so much! You have so much talent and I want the whole world to see it!

If I'm honest, I'm a little scared. I am happy but I'm scared. It won't be the same because you won't be there. You won't be the one to catch me when I fall, to give me good advice or to lovingly tell me what to do when I'm totally lost again. The team will be great but not a family as we were last time. Everything will be so different and strange.

You can do it, I really believe that! You can do it without me and if not you know exactly where and how to find me! Day and night, no matter when. And always keep in mind that I love you, dangerous or not.

I'm so sorry!

Hey it's ok! I'm not made of glass. You're not too dangerous.

Without a warning he kissed her again and pulled her lips even closer to his.

At least I think I know how to turn you soft.

You do. I'm dangerous but you're my weakness.

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