Test Results

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You can then just sit there and wait a short time. We'll do a quick test on both of you and then you'll have everything you need to travel to Italy.

Okay, got it Doc!

Stefani rolled down her sleeve and sat next to Bradley, who did the same.

Do you think we'll be allowed to fly?

Why wouldn't we be allowed?

I don't know, not that I'm going to be sick somehow and then mess everything up again!

He turned to her and took her hands in his.

So first. What do you mean with again? You never messed up something! And second, why would you be sick? We've been at our house all this time, in quarantine. All this is just a check up.

A sigh escaped her and she smiled at him. Her thumb gently stroked the back of his hand, the gesture he usually made.

You're right.

She sat down on the chair so that her back pressed against his chest and he held her in his arms.

I'm looking forward to Italy. You're going to look so great in your role! Patrizia!

You better watch what you say Mister Cooper, Cowboy, otherwise I might have to kill you too?

You wouldn't do that!

I just don't dare if we do something together this weekend, in italy!

All for you my angel!

The doctor came back into the room with two needles and two tests. He didn't say it, but the two of them were definitely the cutest couple he had ever seen.

So we're doing two quick tests here now, because their other test results won't be available for a few days. The blood results should be ready afterwards when we have the results from the quick test as well.

He put two small white plastic plates on the table in front of them and placed a needle and two cotton pads next to each.

This test is done with blood. So I'm going to take a small drop of blood from each of your fingers and drop it into this field. The test will then show if you have antibodies and therefore if you have been sick with Corona before.

Bradley held out his finger as the doctor neatly dribbled a small drop of blood from it onto the test pad and added another solution.

It's basically like a pregnancy test, after a few minutes we should see the result. Now you, Mrs. Germanotta.

He stuck the needle into her finger as well. On the other side, Bradley held her hand. It didn't hurt and holding her hand wasn't necessary, but it was still a very sweet gesture.
The doctor put the empty needles away and his printer came on.

It's a perfect fit. Your blood results just came in, but first the quick tests.

He looked at both plastic slides and smiled.

Only one line, which means negative. Very nice!

The older man sat down on a chair with wheels and removed the printed papers.

So Mister Cooper. When I look at it, everything is in perfect order. All the values are in the normal range. They are core healthy. No elevated inflammation values. Very nice. I suppose it's the same pattern with the lady.

His eyes flew over the page.

Well, as you know, I've checked all the values there are. Both, for you and your partner.

Eh, yes.

Are there any problems?

There is an increased amount of HCG in your blood.

What does that mean? Can't I go to Italy?

Immediately Bradley stroked her back and looked at the doctor.

No, no that's wonderful. You're perfectly healthy. Nothing will stand in the way of your trip to Italy.

But? What does that mean now?

Would you lie down here for a moment and push the t-shirt up a little? It won't hurt, I just have to check something. No worries.

He pointed to the examination couch and smiled at both of them.

Mister Cooper, come over here too. So- it's going to be cold for a second. I just need to do another quick ckeck up.

The older man had already known the couple for some time. He knew the situation and knew he couldn't just casually say such news.

HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It is a substance which stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone. One second.

He briefly adjusted something on the device. The couple already had an idea what it was and they both looked deeply into each other's eyes. Both had tears in their eyes. Their hands held tightly to each other.

Ah yes, here it is.

He turned the screen and there was a small shadow with the outline of a small human. Stefani immediately put her hand over her mouth (at least mask) and started to cry. Bradley gave her a loving masked kiss on the forehead, but couldn't take his eyes off the screen.

Nothing stands in the way of a vacation, however, a small passenger flies with you. I would say the pregnancy test result is definitely positive! Congratulations!

He flipped a switch and a small but still powerful beat was heard.

Safe and healthy!


Her black dress blew a little in the wind as she stood outside on the balcony watching the beautiful landscape. Bradley came out of the open living room and wrapped his arms around her from behind. Happily, she connected his hand with hers and placed it on her stomach.

I can't believe this. Is this real?

It is. Every single second. It's like a dream, but it's real.

Her eyes were full of tears again, tears of joy.

You make me so happy! You give me so much! You fulfill every wish! So perfect!

Carefully he turned her to him and looked into her beautiful green eyes.

I love you, Stef!

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