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I don't know if that would cross any lines, but you can stay here for tonight if you want.

They sat side by side on the porch steps and looked out at the sea in front of them.

I mean, if you don't know where else to go.

There was enough distance between them. He looked at the ocean for a moment longer until he turned his head and looked into her eyes.

That's very thoughtful of you. Thank you.

I have a couple of guest rooms, you can even choose one.

A small gasp escaped her mouth at the statement.

That almost sounds like a hotel.

They were fooling around with each other again. It wasn't as casual as it used to be, but at least they were trying to get that casual feeling back.
Then it was quiet.

Yeah- ehm - I'll go get the bedding then. Just make yourself at home. There should still be a new toothbrush in the bathroom.

She smiled slightly before awkwardly getting up and walking away.
Bradley stayed in his seat for a moment, then went in as well. He had to grin slightly at the fact that he hadn't even given her an answer.
With toothbrush in his mouth he was about to go and see where she was and if she was ok, when suddenly he bumped into her.

I'm sorry!

He stopped brushing his teeth and smiled at her with the toothbrush in his mouth.

May I?

He nodded hastily and took a step aside so she could go into the room. While he rinsed his mouth out, she covered the bed. She hadn't noticed him standing behind her when she turned and took a step forward. Instinctively he put his hands around her waist, fearing she would walk or fall. It was silent and no one said a word, they just looked into each other's eyes and absorbed each other's beautiful colors.

I don't know what's wrong with me today. I'm really sorry.

Her voice was so soft that he almost had trouble understanding her.

Don't be sorry, Stef.

Just as their faces were getting closer and closer, Stefani suddenly pulled away.

If you need anything else, let me know. I'll be in my bedroom.

She smiled a little overwhelmed and then left the room.

Thank you.

It was getting late and it was already dark outside. Bradley had laid down in the freshly made bed, enjoying the feeling of the soft sheets around him that had a slight scent of her. He loved that smell. Although he tried with all his might to fall asleep, it didn't work. Instead, he got up and went down to the kitchen. That was something he loved about their connection. They shared everything and they usually didn't feel uncomfortable in front of each other. So it was also normal for him to just go to her fridge and take out a pudding she had bought especially for him. Having just finished the delicious dessert, he heard soft footsteps going down the stairs.



He just licked the spoon and saw her small figure in front of him.

Can't sleep either?

No, I was so hungry all of a sudden.


She rolled her eyes playfully.

That was the right pudding, wasn't it?

Yes! Very sweet of you to buy it only for me!

Who says it's just only you?

One of her eyebrows was raised as she also took a pudding from the fridge and put a spoon in her mouth.

Uhmm very tasty.

I know what's good!

The grin on his face was full of pride. She walked over to the sofa and sat down, he followed and sat next to her.

Any plans to help with falling asleep?

She shook her head as she ate another spoon full of pudding. Her eyes wandered over his face, noticing him looking at the spoonful of pudding which was going into her mouth. What she didn't know was that his eyes were glued to her lips and not the pudding, so she offered him her spoon. He accepted it immediately.

You have- there is-

She pointed to her mouth to signal that he had pudding on his face. He quickly tried to wipe his mouth, but it didn't work.

May I?

Her hand was already dangerously close to his mouth. Gently, she wiped away the sweet treat with her finger. Instead of washing her hand or wiping it somewhere, he clasped it and put her finger in his mouth. While filming, they had often made this gesture. Just like that, they sucked on each other's finger, as they were doing now. Within seconds her pupils grew larger


Meanwhile, he gave small kisses on her hand.

B- we can't!

He put her hand to his cheek and looked at her with the most beautiful blue eyes. With her fingers she made careful touches over his cheek, which made him slide forward closer to her. They both wallowed in the familiarity between them, the touch and the closeness. They almost surrendered to their desire, lips just in front of each other, minimal distance between them.

We can't.

I know it would be wrong.

It would be so wrong B.

So wrong.

That's what they tried to tell themselves all the time, but the words crumbled into dust when the soft skin of their lips suddenly touched ever so lightly. Eyes were closed long ago to feel the moment better. His hands clasped her cheeks, literally holding her.


But then she was completely cut off by his lips. His lips pressed against hers, sucking a little on her skin. At some point their tongues joined in, so that they exchanged quantities of saliva with each other. For a brief moment, they both pulled back to look at each other. Lips red and swollen, freshly kissed and beautiful.

Mh, you taste like pudding.

I just know what's good.

Guess you do.

He pulled her in for another kiss.

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