Chapter 14

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{3rd Person POV}

Indri was perched up on the ceiling of a building and watched the battle unfold, as Aliyah trained her to do. Seeing Aliyah being loaded into a truck Indri followed, entering by the vent.

Ghazan let Ming-Hua deal with the unconscious Bolin and Mako while he attentively brought Aliyah

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Ghazan let Ming-Hua deal with the unconscious Bolin and Mako while he attentively brought Aliyah.

"Thanks a lot for the help." Ming-Hua scoffed as she finished tying the bodies.

"Well, I told you to be careful with the girl." Ghazan replied placing Aliyah down in front of him.

Ghazan looked at Aliyah intensely, analyzing her, as if he's seen her before but couldn't quite place it. He continued to look at Aliyah as the truck began moving.

{Aliyah's POV}

I began to groan as I started to regain consciousness. I squinted my eyes, getting used to the light. I could tell that there was a figure in front of me, but that's it.

"You're finally awake." Ghazan said

Whipping my head up I tried get up, only to be pulled back down by chains wrapped around my wrists.

"Be careful. If you keep pulling in the chains you'll hurt your wrists." Ghazan oddly scolded

I didn't led my guard down. I began looking around, Bolin and Makon were still unconscious. Ming-Hua was also present, but paid attention towards the guys. That basically left me and Ghazan to our own devices.

I tried to bend the metal restricting my wrists, but it was no use they were made out of platinum. I looked at Ghazan, who was still watching me.

"What do you want." I growled out, filled with frustration.

"You look just like her." He whispered with a straight face.


"You look just like your mother." Ghazan replied maintaining eye contact with me.

This is my chance. This is my chance to finally know. "What do you know about my mother." I demanded, forming a glare.

He wasn't fazed by the glare, instead he sat back and smiled

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He wasn't fazed by the glare, instead he sat back and smiled. He leaned down towards me and lifted my chin.

"You should be asking, what don't I know about your mother, my wife~" Ghazan responded

The room was getting smaller, my pupils dilated. My breathing became erratic, I started panting and my chest was tightening. I-i can't breathe. I can't breathe. No, no, no!

{3rd Person POV}

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{3rd Person POV}

Indri came out from the vent and perched herself on Aliyah's shoulder hissing and swiping at  Ghazan's hand. Reluctantly Ghazan retracted his hand, "Your mother also had an affinity for animals." He said chuckling.

This did not help soothe Aliyah's nerves at all. Instead it made it worse, she began to feel a tighter pain in her chest. This served to worry Indri, who was trying to soothe her owner and friend. Indri continued to nuzzle into Aliyah in an attempt to comfort her.

Aliyah feeling a familiar entity began to let down her guard, and allowed tears to escape.

"No it can't be true. It can't be... he can't be my father."

With that Aliyah fainted once more, tears present on her face.

With that Aliyah fainted once more, tears present on her face

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