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{Aliyah's POV}

After the first attempt on kidnapping Korra, we decided to stay with Aunt Suyin. Right now I was watching Bolin practicing metal bending with the twins, Wei and Wang. It was obvious he was struggling, constantly whining.

"Why is it so hard! Aliyah can do it." Bolin exclaim

"Well, that's Aliyah. She's like grandma, fear her." Wei stated

I tunneled and quickly popped out next to Bolin. "Yes, fear me, because I'm the Greatest Earthbender Ever!" I cackled

I started helping him, explaining how I metal bend.

"Just like Earth-bending it originates with you. Comes from brute force, widen your stance. Feel the vibrations."

I stood in front of him, showing him how I stood. I bend the metal bracelets, turning them from solid to liquid. Bolin tried, and did fairly well. I pat him on the back, slightly squeezing his shoulder.

"You did decent. But tomorrow we'll actually start." I said smiling

{3rd Person POV}

Wei and Wang shared a look. Immediately the felt pity. When they were younger they would often spar with Aliyah. That ended terrible yesterday for them.

[Flash back]

"You're only 6, we're 12. This is not a fair fight." Wang boasted.

"For you maybe! 'Cause I'm the Greatest earthbender ever!" Aliyah yelled at them.

Lin and Suyin were watching in the side with great amusement. Kuvira was also analyzing the match while Opal played with her dolls.

Minutes later Wei and Wang we're on the ground, out of breath and battered. Aliyah was standing over them triumphantly, without a scratch.

 Aliyah was standing over them triumphantly, without a scratch

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"Again!" Aliyah exclaimed happily

The twins just groaned. In the back you could see Lin smiling with pride, Kuvira somewhat fascinated with Aliyah's strength along with Opal. Suyin was smiling.


Shaking their heads, they wished Bolin luck for tomorrow and everyone made their way to dinner.

Opal and Bolin were seated together and Aliyah was fuming. It slowly dissipated as dinner progress, until they shared a look. Aliyah bent her fork so much it folded in on itself. A dark aura surrounded her as she gave the famous Beifong glare.

Bolin felt death was staring at him, only to find Aliyah

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Bolin felt death was staring at him, only to find Aliyah. Worryingly she gave Bolin a smile, which did not serve to soothe his nerves. The only thing that has kept Aliyah from attacking was Indri and the fact that Opal seemed happy.

If she's happy, I guess it's fine. Aliyah thought.

Heading to bed, I realized that I haven't seen Korra in a while. Stepping around I took a deep breath. Somethings wrong, I can feel it. Using seismic sense, there were others on the island. Tunneling around the island I found Bolin and Mako were in battle.

Jumping down from the pedestal I created a pillar, giving Mako and Bolin some room. I took a stance acknowledging Mako and Bolin.

"Well what do we have here?" Ghazan asked.

"You're worst nightmare, now what are you doing here." I asked

Bolin, joined in. "Zaheer has Korra! Your Aunt went after them, she can handle it but we need help."

I nodded and started creating pillars

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I nodded and started creating pillars. Mako focused on the woman, while Bolin was backing me up. Ghazan began to bend magma, he turned a handful of earth into a magma shurkien. It cut down my pillars but Bolin immediately erected a few new ones. I jumped on top of them and descended on top. I bend the metals into a liquid. With razor sharp accuracy I managed to hit his arm, not before he cut part of my side.

"Hama." Ghazan mumbled

How does he know me mothers name. As a child the people would tell me I was like my mother, Hama. I remembered her name after all this time.

"What do you know, about my mother." I hissed

Bolin and I were making headway. That's when Ghazan shroud us with magma. A huge wave came out dividing us, giving them a perfect opportunity to escape.

I can't let him escape. He needs to tell me what he knows! "No! No! No! Comeback coward!" I yelled. I was digging through the magma trying to get through, until Mako put his hand on my shoulder.

"Let them go. We got Korra back, and we'll get them next time. Now let's go treat that wound." Mako said.

I nodded and reluctantly followed him. Korra was resting on a bed near me, sleeping off the dart's poison. Aunt Suyin wrapped a bandages on my torso and told me to rest as well. I layer on the bed but I couldn't really fall asleep. How does he know, I-I'll find out no matter what.

 How does he know, I-I'll find out no matter what

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